Clean, coafortable rOàM for empioyed lady. Private bath and p rivate. entrance. Near: transportation., Winnetka 1823 82LTN43-Iti LARGE COMFORTABLE, R 0O.O0Mi suitable -for 1 or 2. .2 baths, excellexit beds. 3 % blocks to >Wilmette depot. Cel Winn. 1029. 82LTN43-ltp POUR RNT-Ir. H$Kb. ROOMO 2 PLEASANT FURNIISHED -ROOMS for iight housekeeping, electrie re- frigeration. Near transportation. Wil- mette 3804, 84LTN43-ltp nO* AD MP OO KENILWOURIN C LËEA N *COMFORTA.BLE ROO3S.; Suiteu wth private bath. W. special- lke lu home cooked food. ais Cumnor Rd. Kenilworth 5491 86LrN1S-ttc pou IMN ...APAMMEN'U8 HILLCREST APT. AVAILÂBLE FOR I)IMED. occupaflcy 4 rms., 1. bdrxn., Ige. living rm. Accessible te 1Davis location a.nd ail tranihp. To in- apect oeee TH£~ BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St. G 166 ;SOM, Z/2.D"-, ri'. =C.* U., Z Ç. r. 7 rms., 2 bs., 81P. pcb, H. W. 0., lc g...............125 7 rm.s,s., .,M6, W. O., 2 C. g. .-,125 7 rms., 1 b.,- H~. .,» l'e, g .......100 7 rnis., 1 b., H-. W. H., 2 C. g...100) 8 rnis., 1 % bs., H W. H., 2 c.. ..100 8.rms., 2 bs., H. W., H., 2 c. g...100 6 rms., 92% bs., IL -W. H., sun n. . 100 6 rnis., l b., 2 pchs., H.A.O0.,l1c. 90 É r.,lb. H. A. M.,1:C. ........90 6 rms., 1 b: slp. pcb., H. W. H., lC. g.................. ....... 85 I6,rms.. 1 b., H. W. 0., 1 c. g.....8 5 6 rms., 1 b., H. W. 0., 12 c. g., remod. 75 9 rms., l b., H. A. H., 2 c......... 75 6 rms., 1 b., H. A. H.,ý 1 c. g., slp. pch..................... 7 6 rms., 1b.ý, H. A. H., 2c.g. ........ 70 5 rnis., 1 b., H. W. O.,, sunpch.7 6 rnis., 2 bs., 3 pchs., H. A. H., 11 c. g. 65 7 rnis., 1 b., H. A. H., 2 c. g., Slp. >h . .....................55 7 rnis., 2 bs., H. A. H.............*65' 6 rnis.,l16. 11, W. 0.,lc.g-........50 OTHER G&;15 VALUES, FURNISHED OR UNF'URNISHED-ALL SIZES B. HM BARNET '629CtNlrR"S. WINIMTA. 95' 97LTN43-ltc LIST WITH SEÂRS for prompt service Sales Rentais NEW EAST KENILWORTH RENT.ALS Lovely white siagie. Col with large aity roonis, 5 bedr., 3 baths, slp.. Sun and screened piorches. 2 year lease without selliiig clause! WINNETKA White Clapboard ýColonial, 7 rooms, 2% baths.......... 12 W. G. RUGGLES & CO. 617 Davis Street, Evanston Uni. 6886 Hlol. 6886 Wil. 1660 97LT£NI3-ltc CURRE NT RENTALS EVANSTON Near Davis St, 4- bdrms., 2 batha.........100 Lincolnwood,-4 b*ïdrma.nsý, '2 baths................... 0 WILMETTE 100 ,( ý. .3c d4ps. . .... 100.00 Near lake & *C 4 - brms.' 2 bat)hs.................. 100.00 East loc. 4 bdrms., 2 bath... 125.00 Brk-beau. grds.. 5 bdrms., 2 baths . ................. 150.00 Riparian home-4 bdrms., 3 bath................... 20.00 White Fr. Coi. 5 bdrms., 3 baths. library ............ 20000 11.È % XT :N01IYF A 3 bdrmas. 2 baths 90.00 Others to rent-larger anc u ner HILL' & STONE 543 Lincoin Ave.,P Wifnetka Winn. 1544 97LýtN43-ltc MODERN 1,rROOM, 2% BATH, -BRICK and. timber bouse lnn central Winfletka, near sohools and transportation. $150. Trhis won't Iast long. other, homes fur-, ni shed and unfurntshed. Mrs. Fuller & Wrn. Piékard. 746 lStetWnek Winnetka 3603 University 7444 9ILTN43-lte, 6 ROOM BRICK BUJNGALOWý HOT water ohl heat. garage, near schools and transportation. 2. year -straighit lease, $75 per imonth. Other.rentais $60 and up. TIGHE REALTY Co. 521 4th Street Wilmette 910 97LTN43-ltc. EXCEL. à BEDROOM HOUSE, BRICK wlth tile roof. In perfect condition, aM~ine jg W' tiMews. Beutiful yard. Available now. $95. Other ihomes frona $50 up. FULLER &PCAR 407 Linden Ave. Wilknette 437 97LTN43-lte MODERN BRICK- INDIAN HILL section. 4 bedrms., 2 baths. Lè.v. 1.t fOr. Garage. Ma.y lat possession. 2-year lea se. $15.CUSACK REALTY CO. 795 Elm Street Winnetka 715 . 1 sil Fer. - reuat- 3 and 4 n. bdrm., suni pcb., kit., i tile bath With shower. -A ,ceupa.ncy. Write B-86. ehmond Road .$12z .$13S .$85 Ln p, rec. lirepiace, tie icten, 2 naths. H. W. Ht., garage, near "L" and lake. 217 Third. Street, Wilmétte. Ptione Shel- drake 0922. 971,TN43-ltp SALE OR RENT CENTRAL AVE., WILMETTE 8 RM. HOUSE, GOOD NEIGHBOR- hood, nr. achools and transp. $55.00. Avaiabie May lot. Owner. Uni. 1715. 97LTN43-ltp 50or 6 13 Davis enks, Imc. iand gar. Greerileaf 16171424 Linden 97LTN4-lt e Wllmette 500 971,TN43-lte, w 662 Green.