Escaping, they fly across the chan-. nel to' the French countryside. to. Paris. and then on to Nice. Theyr disguise ..tbemselves. as. a famous, baron and baroness only to find t hat both baron and his wife are inter- national spiesi and that they have, stolen bis fortification plans. A great big hand is being given to Franchot Tone, a. rival reporter. whô,as.aprospective PublcGa Number One,' nearly manages1 to walk off with the whole picture. Mad Holiday. MGM production. ilirected by George Seitz, with Ed- mund Lowe, Elissa -Landi, ýand ZaSu Pitts. Valencia. theater,, March 5. A satire on mystery stories, it- tells the tale of Edmund Lowe, an actor on vacation, who gets involved in a ~prfect.massgcre ,of wholesale mur- ders and solves ailof the.m, wlihth je aid of Elissa Landi, wbo is a writer of blood-curdlng 'thriller mysteries. Ted Healy. being bis usual stuif, breaks up the picture more than once with more of bis regular clever stuf. Ou. lna Fox produci Lanfield. *wit ,m. 2th Century- irected by Sidney lugnuui entertainment alike for younfg and old. Shirley Temple fans will be. de-,' ligbted in the improved story as W,1ell as. in the entertaitimeflt value of her new picture., in wbich she plays the part of an orphan raised in China.. Special honors go,.to Arthur Trea- cher, Eugene Palette, and Allan Lane. The Texas Ranger. Paramount, production, directed by Kinz Vidor, with Fred MacMurray, Jack Qakie, Jean Parker,« Lloyd Nolan, and Ed- .ward Ellis. .Valencia theater, March 6. This, story, based on historical1. rec- ords,, port rays the activitiées o f the frontier or ganization, t he Texas Rangers.l Settings of the picturesque mountains and plains are beautiful. riding and fighting realistic. Thiis is study, stirring, and pas- sionate drama of the old, southwest. in the blooc-and-thunder patter. MacMurray and Qakie play the parts of two reformed bad men. who join the Rangers to combat Indians and catle thieves. Lloyd Nolan, in bis part of the bad man, bas been given higb 'praise. There's enoirgi excitement through- mount, Miss Dietrich was dressed in an ultra-smart. costume including a shiort skirt of shining black wool, a black knitted jumàper.belted in 'leather with twô metal heads'useâ as a buckle and a three-qùarter cape of char- treuse green leather.. Miss. Diet- rich's hat, bag and shoes were black. Her gloves were gauntlets of black' and chartreuse leather. The palms and inner sides of the gauntlets were black while the chartreuse covered the backs of the .hands and the front of the gauntiet cuifs. ILooks Like Linené Spring and Summer An advance spring style tip is seen tnis aresa co skirt of gi finger-tip jac in the. gray, belted arour Miss Ross' several brigi Feature Starts 7:80, 9:40 Fri. and Bat, Mardi 5-8 MISTOWAWAY"11 Shirley Temple-Ale Py Robert Youugi Feature Starts 28:00, 4:-00, 6:-05. 8:05; 10:10 Sun., Mon. and Tues., Mardi 7-8-9 LOI DON" colors. tingg (snow scenes in the Al&ps) are V beautiful, the pbotography good. and the characters are exceedingly well- Pl cast et Pop ular feature of the film is the e( continuous madpess of the tbree new- tf Iy discovered zanies. the Ritz broth- E~ ers, whose, performance prove to be an adventure in lunacy and who 17n rr-nte ne holrml fter 2nnfher. lm ýy rapid-fire, whicb is an' ir smug compl: lenlsive satire 'on ýnce of a New Mon. t#bru Sot. 1:30 to 6:30 P.Mh.