z 1'* _'1IRE,. To, keep well inforned on real estate'and build- ing trends and activities. Price l!Oc You Mfay Purchase it at SNmER'CAzRL DRUG CO. 1167 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, ELI Five New Houses Thaf Are Real Homnes There have been so many requests to INTERNATIONAL AIR S HOW ave the "Ioop" explained that it lias Plans are under way to stage in Chi- ce tepipti9ng lnot to have written about cago the largest aeronafltical exposi- lis naneuver long lfr,1oe h in v& d in Aineri It wiltbe le sequetice of instructions in these known as the International Air show rtikles lias .Ieen 'taken up in their and will be held at the International' roper order just as an authorized flight. Amphitbeater at the stockyards june 12 structor would take them up with his to 20. According to Maynard W. Schry- tudent.pilot. ver, vice president and general manager, The loop is easy of execution and is the show is being sponsored by C. R. f no value f rom a practical viewpoint, Walgreen and a syzdate of other air- ut; is included in your training because minded Chicagoans. f its value in the development andl One of the purposes of the exposition, -Qtnf nurnowrsnf relaxation in un- which is planned as an annual event in trifugal force is main- ,out.* The execution of: I require that the applica- tor control be increased Loop nears completion. loop should be executed xs: From a safe altitude,ý in a normal gliding' angle fliVii**tle u iil t is esti- 1~' control. - AVIATION BASE Tentative date for the opening of the. naval reserve aviation base at Curtiss- Reynold.s field, Lake and Shermer ave- nues and Willow road, Glenview, was this week set for late in April or early in May .by the officiais at Great Lake.. Shortly after the opening of the base, the first class of aviation cadets will be- Aay uary Lu 1 2843 FV