Yo-Ho Falls in the Caadian Nationial park> Alberta-a snapshot view taken by Jim Gough of 619 Ma pie avenue, Wilnette, in the SUMrnQ f 1936. Thercat-Northý« west w4iImson be casting its mayic spelli upon thousands of Mid-west tourits. Gypsy Fetes.in Hui 1ysy.500 ,Years oi Gpymusic that bas bindtinz 'rhvthmni of4he frc agencies have macle complete ar - rangements to receive visitor s at al Pioints of entry in France and to ar- r ange for their lüggage, tickets, and accommodations while in the'country. Officiais wili be at' raiiway' and air terminais to supply Iists of hotels, pensionis, garage, guides and inter- preters. Tourists willi receive a reduction of 50 percent on ail railway tickets purchased- in France from May toi November, the months of the expo- sition. Large groups wiii benefit by even lower prices, ail'd.speciai means of' transportation, such as buses, wil be in operation next summer for the International Exposition of Arts and Sciences. M usie to - eatüre Coronation Fete One of the musical events of the Çoronation year wili be the Three Choirs, Festival held at Gloucester from Senteniher 5 tri 1. These*.in, Alilflorida is et your commuand from t iei delhghtful city 'th. Athens of FIo'de". Youi will love a w.ek, a month or a fuit semon here. Truiy "The. winter boni* fer dbcriuuiuité rest or play-golf--4&br-dauoe- Budapest with orchestras and singers, Nearby is Tewkesbury, famed for its- states W. Seiler, manager of the great abbey church, half-timbered American Express Travel. Service. homses and cquaint ilnns. Close at During the "June Weeks" a contest hand are Chepstow, Tintern and the will be helci, and ail the best gypsy We. Valley, Dean Forest's glades. musicians from the city and prov- and .Cotswold with its wooded slopes, inces will be heard. On St. Stephen's its old-worid townships and gray- Day (August 20) a Csardias contest stofle imanors. hem q4", *fR*u4sd