Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1937, p. 46

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Originluo-Etchings. it I.graphs and Woodciuts by Roekw*I Kent, George BiddIe, Howardl Cool,ýLeonard Bug ad otber Mlem"Ofthé AîusfIcBI ArtIsts (Iroup.4 1729 Sherman Ave., Ev.oston Uni. 0770 57* Califor anouiper noa lvof a woman s innermost 0if. ... IH E ATR E@ by W. Somr»f maugh.m-52.51 First Edition Renka with -of Humas Bondage" as one of Maugham'$ grlat novais. Sun. on February 26, f ait approaChes the. goal he set himseif. Thousands of writers,' equaliy deter- *minied, neyer get to first base wîth the publishers. 'What qtialities. as an au- thor does Mr. Burnham possess that open for him the doors of ,success? liHe is w'rîter of hypersensitive emo- tions, high-strung nerves, and unicom- monly receptive senses of, sight, sound -and touch. Everything perceived and feit he can transpose into facile lan- guage. The resuit is a form of that popular type of fiction-the psychologic- al -and, introspective noveL David Burn- ham' isan Aldouis Huxley wholesomelyý refined and. purged of pessimism and sadismn. The inimediacy of his very modern tde ranch in 'anch. in an act .escribed. It is ren and womie noneved parasit( David Burnham, son of 3Mrs. Claude G. Burnhcam u'Ito formeriy !ivcd Mn KeniIztorth but is nou il, the Elst,has zwritteri a neunovel, "IF4inter in the Suni,>" published Fcbrvary, 26 by Charles Scribner's Sons. lMr. Buru ham uwa.v the youth- fui author or "This Our E.eile" zchiWh appèarcd in 1931, put tWo years a fter hle graduated f ront Princeton. His secontd novel zzvs "Weddipn(f Song," and "Winter in the Sun" ishis third. ling New Y7ork's hîstory and icgci and stili selling famnouslY. Last fait- Putnanî, brou ght out 'Dritis j, the., Bajkam N1ight, by John McCulloch, an, iformhtai an inf ormrative travel book; and 'nowv we have f rom .H.oughton Mifflin companiy Edward Harris Heth' s Told w'ith a Dru,», a second nov.e1 by ýthe' Young author of Some We.Loved and many, distinguished short stories. Mr'. Heth ý was born inÎ Milwaukee twenty-eigIit years ago. He- went t6 the 'publie schoois. there. and aât the same, time was taught tio read and write .German by his mhaternai grand- miother., He started studying art, but gave it'up as, a bad job. Later, during, bis five years, at the University, of .Wisconsin, he wrote a novel on the side. !Nôw le writes:ý "My knew 'novei Tiyi zvijth a Drurn deals with a subject I've neyer used before-that of a Germnan- Amneriçan famîly, such as we have tens and thousands here, and what hap- pened to them during the last war-howÀ they were at first wholly American. despite relatives stili living in Germany at the time, and how the psycboiogy- Sof the constant badgering they got, the ever-oresent suspicion and htumill.ation A poemn of the thrc4 T. E. Lawren By Selden Rodman beçause she is a New ÈnI;gland puritan, W. Washburne) of Winnetka which patriotic Americans retused to let thnem and Jimmy, because he is a hypersensi- Albert Whitmas & Co. of Chicago will remain Americans. It was one of the ive of tive Chicagoan, tread water, backstroke, publîsh March 15 in their Junior Press most beautiful e,çampies of wartime advance, retreat, fait into a single em- Book, series.. hysteria that happened in this country, bre, pande take sthelponoferu- The story is a decided ceparture from and might go as a warning to our in- $2.50 drdpgsoarieathepitod- any writing for children which Mrs. telligence should this niew, immninent claring their love. . Washburfle bas done beforè and is cailed war break." tromn suciden- j

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