Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1937, p. 40

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in* four weeks the wôinen of theý Garden Club of Il.n1s11l presen their eleventh annual Chicago Flower show, a. show that under, their management has become 'one of the majo.r flower shows in the United. States.*- For the sixth consecu- tive year the showe will be given at Navy Pier. It Will open April 3ad continue throug Ariil -hs ea or cus will, be repre- sented by exhibits 'than ever before. Th ere a re 120 clubS in the.Gardeni Club of Illinoi s, and 92 of these. clubs are n4aking exhibits, among them al the north, shore garden clubs, which have an enviable record of ôutstafld- ing entries at previous shows. Last year seventy clubs ini Illinois activelY participated by entering exhibits, the largest number up to that timne. Even during last year's show, plans were started for ihis year's exhibi- tion, as mnembers met and discusstd improvemnents. Clubs all over the state sent in ideas- for tchjbits, for the ret-l f the show and its ]Durant PhetO, Seeral -of the memM'rs 01. te Keiit i4,th, ie, 'W-ellr' Ceffler's cPln mittee for ils Jack and Jlii ,hop were pkotographed receu:tly durlilg an exhibit at the Hearthstoste tea romr. From Ieft to righ t they are-seated, Mrs. Williarn W. .ims, Mrs. J; F. . Iagentan, Mrs. Minier Sargent-standin9, Mrs. Lester Dunbar, chairinon of the coimi tt ce, aiid lrs. Gerald I/ap Doreki. I nf ormal WiiI Visil Daughter At a tea Tuesday of last week, with, Mrs. J. L. Houghteliiflg the hostess at her home in Winnet- ka, the, bail started rolling .to. form a nucleus Of members of an Axilary"Con'Mmittee'of north shore ýcitizens in the- interest of the continuanice Of the Artist- eitlconcert series.ý Durintz. the Myra Hess concert this past Monday evening. attend by the, largest audience of thîs sea- son-a concert whicb its sponsors, the Artist-Recital conimi teetof the Winnetka Music club, had announced would be the finale, aiter, thirteeti seasons-Lawrtflce Howe appeared before. the audience, and 'told of the *self-appoiiited group of subscribers. who. heartsicl< over the decision the- Ar t'st-lRécital co ritteé bh d o o make because of Iack of sufficient north short support, had banded to- gether for an energetic campaign to keep the stries. with its artists of world-wide renown, alive right herc. in this vicinity. The nucleus of such a coniniittue is seeking volunteers who mwill unde(Ir- take to secure subscribers. The en- larged committee, it is expected wiii entries are chosen by the 1indvie~ua. clubs and the work starts in earnest. This year's schedule of entrits. bY the club)s wil be entirelY new,. with the exception of the dinner tables and some classes of flower arrange- ments. 'The management of tht show is in .t riwpxecu- corning home Saturclay or S-unday. uy Mr. and *Mrs. 0 'Connor and Mr. n1 and Mrs. D. M. Nelson of 595 Long- 0 wood avenue, Gencoe, returned home F last week* f rom Florida. They lef t a about the middle: of January by train, ( shipping their car to Atlanta and V motoring from there down the westc coast and up the east coast of t Asptrgrtn's the music. rmafl of thte t dancev, a41 stra is toa pro- ert C. Austin., 1 6- **4tee " spreadsags ~I uuiiMci a residents of these villages appreciat-, inz the tireless effort tht Artist-Re- citai committet bas made in past vears ini presenting the best ta north shore music loyers at prices most reason- a ble. It remains for the people theniselves to "carry on" if the con- certs are to continue. Mrs. Hough- teling may be called for information.. The show is given not for profit; carrie4 on, tht the womeui charge of the displaY the sixty acre Scre ,hot nipUati0fl, a per- morlal gardený r I ,30oloK MIL .J. . 1 ýstesses.

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