Benefit On Sa tu rday.afternoont Mairch,13, at 2 ock heJk and jill Players will present. ""Aladdin" at the Womn'ns Club, Of Wilmette. This is the nextto- the last of the seriéàS-of. PlaYs which these young people have presented in Wilmtette during ,the past seasofl. é "Aladdýil" is one of the most pp ular. plys in the entire repertoire of the jack and']Jill-Players, having been on tour, for some time,ý as far north as .MIilwalJkee. -Ujs cast COn- tains anumber of children well"knowfl to the Wilmette-audiences for their work in previoits performanlces, as wlas on ,theradio.. Frank Eiselt, wbo plays -'ilàddi and j.ack Kahoun, in the role oi Abdallah, the magician, will bot bcb remembered from "Gyda and the Wizard,7 given in Wilmette earlier this seosofl. Frank- is an unusually, versatile young man, for besides his activities ini Jack and Jili, he~ also fnds tirne for radio work, 1elongs to -. .w.s.. andis ~a member oi peared 0 phan Ai Corps." Mary nnie,i thider-wood & Underwood Photo - .Irs. 1W'allace Dundas M<cken-zie of Win>retka, at the lfrt, M11organ of Glencoc,' at the right, are among the active group residen ts who have beeîi arousing In terest in the Firsi Natio tourpianwnt to Ibe held April 1, 2, apid 3, at the Naval armor3y They are participating because twvo philanthro pic organizatiofls are members, the Junior arêxiiary of the Evanston Infant Wel. the Jnfa*ît Welfare Junior Servie leaguie are sponsoring the for the matches, of national scope for thte irst tine in this cou d Mei*1aVi m8sit*b was a mnember of the Y" cast, and has ap- :k Armstronlg,'"Or and "Junior Nurse .PuÙcher, the lovely princess, Mrs. Cliffon UIIey to A forerunner of spring, a salad ' bridge. party-and at the 1 lowest of prics-is: bein.g *plan- ned by the wvays and means corn- miittee of the, Wonian 'Club:of'. Wilniette for. Wednesday after-. noon, March 1 0, at 1 o' Clock, at the ciubhouse.- It is for -the bene- fit of the building f und, as are al the projects of the ways and(, means committee, of -%%hich. Mr.s., George D. Conlee is Mrs. F. S. Yantis is in charge and- she and her large committee are en-- thu'siastically w Norking *out plans -for. a delightful* party i;here aIl of the club miembers who, recently were., bard at work on the Better Homes ex-iitan~d. others, may co me to- otetPhoto gether for a pleasant afternoon. The k!iss Mary party is open to anyone. Everyone is art/i shore ini.ited and the more who corne the !?adinintoji merrier. rant Parki The prizes ,will include one for which .thev every table. Mrs. Edward Meier is center and ini charge of prizes; Mrs. G. T. Coon- 1of tickets ley of tickets; Mrs. A. H. Pendleton, Mrs. Harold Crary, and Mrs. Weston ~caî cîavir of tables, and Mrs. G. M. sports Costumes for Season Ticket Campaign'. for Festival Progresses Mrs. W' A. Hayt, Mrs. J. E. Hill, Mrs. Ralph jennings, Mrs. R. J.. Lascelles, Mrs. E. G. Low. Mrs. Ed- ward Meier, Mrs. J. C. Millett. Mrs. G. W. Putnam, Mrs. A. H. Pendie- ton, Mrs. W. A. Patterson, rs Glen S. Roberts, Mrs. G. H. Redding, Mrs. Franklin Schmick, Mrs. A. G. Stanten,. Mrs. joseph Wilson, and Mrs. H. A. Young-F. B. M. ed Go.4onBuçlc of Cleveland recently Qe ,spet afew days in~ Wilmette with of his paLrents, MLr. and Mrs. F. A. Buck, e. '1518 Forest avenue. ning uelore Kenilworth nn of 10 of 527 enter- nds for y eve- at the ainner cdan