Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1937, p. 33

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out the nation had .a Iower density than. the North Shore Area counicil. Similarly, the indices ,for '"New Scouts" and "Troop Density" were Iiigh. readiing. 96 and 86 respectively., On December 31, the ,date upon. wvhich' these figure were computed, the.,number of Scouts in1 the council was 1,964 and the number of Cubs %vas 626, the largest number since ail orgalization -of the counicil ini 1926 aid over six times the numrbeir at that date. JAMBOREE At a confererfce of Scouit execu- tives held. at the LaSalle hotel last, M'eek, thé national jamboree was dis- cussed and some very valuable infor- miation was obtained which will be released to ail Scouts and leaders of the cô~unIil. Raes prôgýrà1mfeài~- tttres and transportation were ail dis- cussed and, complete information as to each of these phases of the jam- boree as they affect the north shore Scouts is now available. A large delegation is planning to attend this huge Scout party, the first of its kind to. be heid i this country, and the north shore section wili, be composed of from 30 to 50 sive testsi for advancenient. The Scouts awarded advancement are: E Colegrove -School of'the Crew (For Able),; Ellsworth 'Jonies--Beils: and Watches; David Allison-Parts :of Boats and- Oars: Dick> Wilson- School of the Crew, Parts of Boats. and Oars,. Latitude and Longitude;. Bill Estabrook-Beils and Watches, Scho oi of the Crew -.Bob Whittbold -Belis and Watches, Parts of Boats and Oars; Bill Whittbold-Parts of Bôats and Oars; Ben Richards- Sea l-istory for Ordinary,-.Art Green- Parts of Boats, and Qars; George Rkandell-Parts'of Boats and Oars; Ed Goez-Boat Etiquette. On Monday. February 22, the Wil- mette Sea Scouts had as their guests the Evanston Mariners, an organiza- tion of girlI Sea Sçouts,, skippered by ~Mrs. A. S. Van Deusen. The pro- grain included a very excellent talk on ship's rigging, given by Mr. Fris- keNr of the Sheridan Shore Yacht club. On Tuesday night. Februarv 23, a group of the Scouts attended the Golden Gloves toruinament of cham- pion sý. The fights Nvere zood and the. Scouts eninved that thrill-npr1oed ITS PROMISE 0F A BETTER WORLD" B3y PETER V. ROSSI Ce S. Be OF SAN FRANCISCO, CA4LIFORNIA Me.mber'of the. Board of Lectur.ship of the Mottier Church, the. First Church of Christ. SCIintist1 in Boston, Massechuitti SUNDAY AFIERNODON, MARCH 14, 1937 AT 3 O'CLOCK IN LESLIE'GATES GYMNASIUJM 0F NEW TRIER HIGH SCHOOL WINNETKAI ILLINOIS The public is corclially invted to attend. Those heain9 a Christian Science Lecture for the. first 'tie, r tlios havng sp.ci.I requirements, ma.y obtain seat reservations et 4h.e followng reading rooms: Wilmette: 1133 Central. Ave. Winnetka: 571 Lincoln Ave. Glencoe: 339 Park Ave. trv camping. togetneri n e nation's u:t, .'c - k u w........l 71- capitol in 'the shadow of the Wash- July 9:* the second from Saturcý ington monument. July 10Oto Friday, Nuy 23,. and1 Région Seven, and Region Ten,' day, gSt . , uy24t comprising nine states, are combin- Aist6 ing forces for the production of a These dates were set byi big Scout spectacle "The Scouting camp committee and were approi Trail of High Adventure" to be pro-* by the Scoutmasters of the area 4l11ted at the~ iamboree in the arena. their meeting on February 22..1 New Hypoid Gears Require S>ecial Grease Drive your new car to your favorite service station ai ~ago a rbsar .11 I cagp &

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