INPRMYOURSELF uiI- am' in last week's issue. of this paper there appeared the first of a series of -articles by Herbert: B. Mulford of. Wilmette, on the impending.,changes iiith Iliniseducational systemn. Becausemany people find theý su blect, in its many ramiiatos to understandy while others who ma% have no Children in the schools feel that it does flt ffc tem here is danger that the articles -a-not be as widely read as they de serve. The educational. and taxing sYstems are s closely interwoVefl that the former cannot be considered independelit of the latter.,a tdho neither- subject is there to be found inth subuwbani area. agyone better qualified to speak than Mr.- Mulford. For mrany years he has ma~de an intensive and exhaustive study of both, and ai a member of the 'Neéw Trier High School Board of Educatioti and other bodies, as well as; in his capacity as a public-sPiritecl citizen he bas amply demonstrated1 a grasp of their intricacles whjch few cati attain. He speaks with the author- ity of an official, the interest of a school patron and the sound judgment of a practical financier. His standing in the communlity is such that his e -1-- -hË acepted as APPRECIATED The Better Homnes expositioni, which bas be- come an annual feature with the Womafl's Club of' Wihtnette, is fulfly, appreciated. by womnen, ot the north .shore. Thé three-day. show which closed last Thursday attracted large crowds of interested. people who were primarily concerned in seeing *the ne.west devebopments: in modemr home: equip- ment and: ail those things which, goý to niake for a more comfortable aild'livable'home. Such *an exposition is no mnean uùndert.aking.I It involves aý tremendous antounrt of planning asý wel as:labor in the actual preparatiOfl5. It calîs for exécutive ability of the -highest order, and practical supervision of best quality. That the showvs have been iincreasiniglv successful is su:fli- cient evidence thatthey, have been ~tlîet conducted . The club's efforts to* popularize, the annual event' have been effective. Concerne. now vie with each other for favored space. andl house- waves have learned to look to~ the expoGsitionl for. new and accepted ideas in homne arrangements. THE D. A. R. SPEAKS The national Society, Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution. of whose cormmittee on national defense through patriotic education MNrs. Vinton Earl Sisson of WVinnetka is chairman, has issued ztntement on the proposed change in the Sue to the sit-clowners otuNI 11 occupying1 a factory illegally. W.\hen the court said "put 'emi out," the sheriff put 'em out, and :îo foolin.'** The Chicago lady who- killed hier -husband '.in a, fit of rage and then boasted ,that "they. don't execute womnen in'Coog county," vsrgt h governor intervened« and sent, Prison. elwell! It's really fu 1nny how things tur n out somnetimes-funny how somethjng looks like what it is 't, or does't look like, what it actuallv is Kansas City is .Just inow giving us a graphic example ofý this.ý Remember Novern- ber 3, 1936? Presidential elec- t ion, if you'vC forgotten. and one, side or the other, we don'It rernember.which, -wonl - ~e/O 0. by something over 10,000.000 Box miaj9ritY, according to tfie re- turins. It wasa ràsupie not to bay shock, to a lot of ,frople. mnostly those on rthe losing side. W\here in the world did such a devasta..ifg majority corne from?ý Well, some of it came f romn Katisas City. An honest federal judge got to nlosing around and thought hie discovered somte ionkey business by the Prendergast machine, a part ot the nation-w'ide Tammany. So he re- ferrPrI the inatter to a federal grand jury. In- the General iisseu'm>îx v'n"-........ law, miay have a decided effect upon, future tax levies, and the wbole educatiotial systern as well. ,Mr. Mulford's discussions are, therefore, of vital importalce- to everY taxpayer, and are recom- mended to our readers for the mnost careful con- sideratioti. Another article of the series appears. in this issue. of sucli a change, t in the Amnienais hundred and ftftY Y thiat mightarise In mfent of. such a pré . "-ý ver since the hi$ proposai to incréaa,ý inè to a possible fifteen ter the lmnmediate.effect e of the Supreme court of goveuilnmeft for one id the potential danger Lure from the establish-ý ;hmeflt of this republie overnmeTit bats existed' crirninals . The reason is that the trials snoweci election results entirely too one-.sided. Why, in some precincts every vote was cast (or counted) for the candidates favored by Mr. Prendergast. ln others only a scattering few voted for the opposition. Dead men and imbeciles piled up the staggering majority. And only a few precincts in one city have been scrutinized. What would hap- pen to, the 10,000,000 majority if every city frorn Ti-w York (to ~Sa.n Francisco, from Minneapolis to One can always count on Chicago leading ini everything, éven 'burgiars.. -Elmer $ampsofl, weight 150 pounds, carrieckaway g safe weighing 200 pounds. Then lue came back for more and was, pinched. It ma y bc that spring bas come-but don't Put the overcoàt away in moth balls yet. TH9 PHANT0M RPMRtW2l thst vage 108% u4;