The semi-aai1fl eter aw-arsucrc mxonies sponsored bY the Physical Hbducaton.-departmtflnt of the XiI- mette. 4 shooIS were heid at the Hoiw- ard gym last ffght. Daniel M. Davis, director of'recreation ýwas master of cëeieis. j. R. Harper,'superlntetiderit.of shools, presented with letters and certificates té the 'boys and girls. The prograni alsoi included a miagic show given by a' professioflal ma-i .gician. The awards were inade as5 follows: The followin g boys rçceived their football letters in November, and were awarded rtheir certificates for ,football: "cr Beclç, Dexter Bensof, n' ~4hn Brandt, C'urtiý- .oInpbell, Robert Canning, rber 1 Net) Currie, Donald 'hillil, De Berard, Rbr ank Eccles, Robrt E-dCfl Ellîs. -anckbofler, Richard Farmer,' r.Donald Fiinfl, Ed %a "d The Suburban Shore A. C. and the furnished by an orchestrandrg Rovers easily won froin thé W W. L. intermission gaines will be played and and N. B. C., respectively. prizes will beawarded. Those who at- Scores and standi ngs are shown be- tended, the Valentine dancel know Iow: hat a good tuùe 15, in Store for those F1ACDXSwho attend. Corne and bring you pce W. L. 'Pct. friends. Suburban Sh re A C.....31.7m0 73.50 VUnknowf$ . .... .20 H.Myr 0 4 R. Gauger, f 7 O 14 T. saxftoTi, f 0 R. lim, c 0O R. ete, g10 2 2 2 1'.~ ~~ .0ser 4 F'. C'srg 0 (O O F. A'b'k'r, g 1 0 2 *JWIneman i10.9 W. W, L. <6 Sfg.ttp; RfreJ<>nf-s Rovers (:94) jolsof, f. 3 0 u Iu.rphy, f C 2W.<p Bell,e - -2 0 4 S.knig Hlowal'd. g. 0 2 '2 E. N'sttý Ostrom, g.,i1O2 O -a Bender, g O() O Warble, g 4 Referree. Jones- Score'r. oc Bl. C. (10) k , f f) ¶ 1 1 ter, fi1 0 2 ght. c -l 1 7 t'm , gO0 0 trg 0 0 0 out t<.> etilt night at the Howard gymnnasit be- twel the NWilmnette Playground and Recreatioli board teamu nd thE vans- ton Rec reation board teain. The miatches'were. al evetilY contested and each teatn'won four matches, and otie was a draw. Charles, Miller and 4Lizzv" ascek, both of Eýanstoni. put.on:ani exhibition inàtch in the 15o noeund rlass. ng the Esquires 2416o15. Dave.Gep- 1 nte enn-achNran of pert made 10 of the W illies' Points.. ma of W ilmette> wôn the.decision 'sam TW. L. P)tINôGeS Matt Rappids of Evanstofl intht [Jknow....... .833 1(È)9 pot-nd class- The next. two ea..Lef 5 1 .833 matches ,,vent to Evanstoli. Bernard -rate Dames ,. 5 1 .833 nd A iller ofEvanston W a.cker A. C . 4 2,.667 - Ti tiey nd Ro er Eagles 2 4 .333 defed George SchtzadR et N. T. Ponchos i s .îlrý 167Steffeis of Wilmette. lesq u fre s . .i1 5 .16 7 wili e .167 Ieroy Schneider of WVilmnette then WIlles , defeated Wi1iamn Adier.of Evanston a Le&ts (àU.') W-11VItr A'. C (7)to. sqiare the contest. Tom Kivian of '%. Leary, f q () 15 R. C ar ,f 5 Q 10 W. -n'l,f5O1 R 'e, f.1 o 0 of Evanstôn at 126 pounds. Tom 'Mu!- G.1-ahn.,'c. 7 0 14 B. Wms.,, c 1 fi ins of Wilmette and Don Zernite of W. Hahn, g. 1* 2 B. Linge, g-i1.0 2 Evanston* fought to a draw at l35 F , lColb, g 7 1 1;-, .. -m iner, g 2 O0 o nd . P il Fr4to E a so Referee, .Windle ons hlFretofEatn Scîer ettiflghaus- won froi Claytoti Taylor of Wilmette Wllles, 24) Squres 15)in the 130 pound class to put Evanstoný WIllls <24 I~qIre5~ in the lead 4 to 2: . fg. j. G'gory, f 1 1 :,, . . YC' n ,'r f 2 1 5 ter, both winners for \Vilm ette last C. W e 2 0 g N. __N 1e , g 1 0 2 year, repeated again this year when ~.. 0 0 , athev gIteated Jack Tierney and Ber- MNIcNauWitofl, Jacl< ý". T.. .-,.. ,g..4 ihope, RLobert Mcest- . Rfre<.,oe ..rd, Robert Mi' Scorer, Gooch homnas Miller, Lee- dward Osborne, johîi. C"LEAGUE m daîln i('hard ' mes TheMpeLeafs, aided by the ShakRa'-sharpshootiiig of Bill Leary, kh Robet Shnk, aY-made 18 points, pushed the Wacker A. .. . . , 1 W illia m , .. _,r j.._ + w -ie f rt fi r st j. GI'so n, f8 6LMk: E. cllray, f. 7 0 - R-uge R. 'orton, c?7 O14 W . Smit R. Sch'b', ce&O0 O B. BlO w J. Miller, g. 2O4 R. ScW' Hl. Reli Referee, CGathercoz Scorer, Windlle f g. A. Dick, f..1i0 2 J1. Harv R. Sch'b'l, f 4 1 9 W., CO'c s'fl, f 6 O0.12 Wýilrnette b)os erg, f0 O0 0 Y$._______________ th, c8 0 16 - w, g.2 O 4 T.Mlisc 4 0, 8 T. Huck,c. .9O04 'b',g929 0 4 Le. Se'r, g 1 1 1, C. Kolb, g-.i 1 0 lî %'IdO 0 O T. Kivian, g 1 0 2 D. lU'ch's, g 1 02 )a L. Borrp, g O0O00 Ruferee, Windile Seorer, DeBerard En glef4 (19) fgf .t) t. ohîî's (3.1) Aibrait (11) veY, f 2 0 4 fg.fttp. 114. t f1 1. 3 P. Kasper, f7 0 14. R. Fithan, fro 1I m er, e 1 2 4 f *. A il P M f 9 A .. ,in bas eancd a letter footl~ll receive ou Efls, acI.mlher, Howard He der- i .dge Rn. <() " (1) Reservations must be , made not ihard 141er, Robet Malnn, Jack Mc- I fg.fttp. fgfttP. later than Marcdi 8,, members are le, Rlobert Miller, L~ee Mitchell, John H. Janaes, f 7 2 16 A. Y'gbg, 2O4 ýnske, ýewIS Travia, Joseph Welter., W. Schte. f 1.i 3 ]EL H'r'ks. f Mt O 4 advised. M, Ge( thrée wav-tiýe f6r lastýplace by defeat- m. 1 l 1 carned A'tetterl