UaiqedaDOcers ROYAL ASSORTMENT. A truly royal assortment of fresh, cip at cookies. Serve for afternoon tea, dessert or for the. children's luncheon-9 varefies-38 cookis-~~pi TRU-BLU BLUEBERRIES Ther's tno trick to serving luscious 'blueberry pie witb" this. fine pack avalable.-Also good as a deser- -Chili anà serve wth. Royal Assortment Cookies. 2.9 No. 2 tins-2 for 55c- 9 C For thôse steaming breakfast cakes or waffes- Full quart-(44-oz)- Iii c Commodore 100% Pure MAPLE SAP Um, hot cakes, waffles. or crisp fried'cereal and this delBclous sep make a perfect breakfast. Qrt75 %it 39e PURE CANE.' SUCAR 10-1b. ~ I. T Full Pack TOMATOES Vine-ripened. full ripe fruit that hs Most inviting aserved in any form- Doz. ýN* 2 '23,c 1.29 I tn GoId Lune BR1SLING SARDINES Packed in pure olive .11. Serve for tuncheon or supper, or use for seand-3 fo 41 -A mighty good buy at t h i s extremmly Ipw pt iç e. - b. Illinois GREEN ASPARAGUS Jumbor speaors--4very one, perfect and truly the flaver h exactly hike fthefresh v2gta 2-M ins6 7 i I Diamond WALNUTS Fresh crop - Keep a bowful on hand for "in between" snacks. 2 Ibs. 55C lb. 27c l tbs. 79c Jumubo Sheil Pecans ýy wtli shelli like paper- crack these. lb. 19c I Commodore TUAS Te& Balis package of 50 L.EG of LAMB. For a truly' devastating flavor, rub with olive oil and roast wih a clove of gartkc in the pan. IL. 26c1 The pérf oct thop for individualL ed n.w carrots. lb. 36C FRESH FRUITS -VGCETASLES NEW BENS. Ruby red and fin-flavored., Shred Ni raw for salads, or cook and serve witk plenfy of bute bun. I C HOT NOUSE IHUBARB. The beautiful str.wberry 11 e ARCE' 4, 1937 A, a RIP8 Li service.,