UPHOLSTERING - .ESTIMÂTES- WitIout ObiIgof I.. DAVIS FURNITURE. .ni main st., Evanston UUni. 7210ý edwin 4124 interlots martiui paul la>,ne,W tosh of1 le f uiture antiques draperies emRayTflor ehots: mizcrsity stuaents. (etr iýii Balhatchet,i2S Tepith stree t, Wilm)ette; -AI Briish of HighIapd Park, ani a c'.Vit outstaezding performers. Righ t, JosePline Baihatchet, a daiicer in thze large cast of players. Evanston, who will play the role of. Youth Grou> JYill Black Narcissu~s, a native of the West f' Indies; Marguerite Stokes, 1030 As- Conduct Symposium GO bury avenue, Evafstonisportraying a a ai T m l - - - >1- 4n p. nio a acesfes i gEvanston; jean tjuonneu,1 u PatonzeOuvDo'tLok Nw " he inh n-Brummel street, Evanston; Kay day run in the theater of the Na- will be Carolyn Hart, 12206 North tional Çollege of Education, 2770 avenue, Waukegan; Jane McIntosh.' rnq.- Eva Pnstonn beoinning 521 Roslyn road, Kenilworth; jean o11 M-arcfl 7, at 3*5 OCOK Themembers taking part in this m eeting are Clarence LaRocque, member o f the National Baha'i Youth committee; miss Linda Taylor, chairman of: the- Chicago Youth group; Clrn .Stigall, Miss Par. j thut r x p ri n c , -u ai aln_ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ B.G. Ebette nationally as weil as on the North- jMnday for Florida. They will take weten amus a etesive motor tp through the Mrs. W. B. Baggaley f 19 War- Cfl W %em Whn.Ika 858 Among the Evàriston and north 1 state, stoppiflg for some time in Fort wick avenue, Winntka,, has returne< shore people appearng in the musical 1I Lauderdale and visiting friends at home f rom the Evanston hosia' F uruusn 24 ors venue,ý expect tÇ> bc gone about three weeks. ýand is recovrn aifcoiy