Funeral services were heid on Wed- nesdayr at the chape[ at Rosehili *cemneter. I Mr$. Lester E. Mee..of 1227 Chest-. nut avenue and her son, jack, are L. leaving Saturday by mnotor for a six *weeks ' tp to Florida. They plan 0.*t visit Mrs. Mee's sister, Mrs. H. Y. Sutherland, in Mount Dora, and spend the rest of their time at Miami. *Dr., George D. Allison iitro the Wilirnette Balist' church, wmill preach at thte irst of a, series of, Unsoe; Lenten servlices Sun>dczyez- m .ng in: the nWilmewtte English i s t e r s U J churches ro o'clock, zwahth:Ie Min- tie tariows Protestant erticiPatiflg. aplerDies at ughfters Home t 4 I QuarterS have been secured ini the building at l1150, Wilnette avenu'e, first floor, 1with Morton .R, Goodmfan, assistant, w othe 1s tate director, 1in. charge. The office Nwill be completeiy manned', so thatthe ,publi c canbe served at any time) but Mr.. 'ood- mani will, for the present, be ' herc only Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is planned to keep. the office open two evenîngs a week, but definite arrange-, mients have not yet been made. Facilities for inaking applications will be available during al business days. The service offered by the FUAý is, the financing of new home Construc- tion on the north shore.* Plen ty of money is available through private lending institutions, g uar a nt e e d against -Iàss by the F1!A. Ttese' loans are specifically for the building, buying or refinancitig of residential property, and loans will be made up to 80 per cent of the value of the' .property, in no case, however, to ex- ceed $16,000. 1These lans are repayable over a Smaximum period of 20 years, amor- 7tized znonthiy. A portion of each . vmnt Ail be devoted to taxes and SUR NS LONGER -wp Try o food of TESTE'D COAL >od district, and, after. tI r.Cupler a few 'years lai the Hyde Park section UV4LIA i , moving a ive in the, )ee' $106,565. resuit of these loans h; nite stimulation of empi sevillages. Goodman states that ai titne to plan spring re 'uction. By taking ac, ýe FHA service, mone T~ WUU3JC S cuuicu ~ftYIl MA lLY IIT», TO £TfE)ED TU A" WWT TU% REAING biO s kh ingdon avenuze, Kenï'lworth, were held sons, John, on Wednesday morning at St. Mary daughters, of the Lake chureh in Chicago. Mns. of Kenil- Knauer, who was 83 years old, passed away on Sunday. Las1 ýloyr ortL it and been ment. 'v is lence ritage that