-Mr.de Cou will Sshow the rapidly changing London. His. pictures' will in -clude the Royal P a r k s, Bucking- ham ,Palace, and St. James, the Horse- Guards at, Whi-tehall, the ama gn if ice nt. apartment build- ings, IHou S e of Lords, Westmiin- Branson JCieCou ster Hall, Wind- sor. Castle,' Hanmpton Court Palace and scores of other places -of interest. A synopsis of the Ran)illv fhiinwfn program is given London. E*mbank- Charles H. Feltman, 800 Sheridan road. Mr. Fowler is tbe present president of, the board. Mr.' Lechnerý was recently appointed to complete :the terni of Miles B. Geringer, resigned, and Mr. Feltman to fil the unex-; pired term of Henry J. Haack. de- ceaàed. The election date is !rues- day, April 6. Kenilwortlz Police Nab IMan; Admits, LootingJ of 'N orth Shore, HousesJ Henry D. Meyer, 25, f rom Rochester. N. Y.. probati'on sarrested W illi a mmMcGee Jamet, Z08 Lawndale avenue, vilage attor 'ney, weill be the speaker thLr Fridk.y umon aI the monthly luncheon meeting Of the Wilmette Ci7vic Ieague in tihe effl "Let i aseason ilu thé Chi"chyear which i5set aside to commemorate the sfengs , dath of ourblessedl Lord, and therebyý quicken our love, loyalty and devotion to Hlm," readsaa statem.ent by the Rev. David R. Kabele, president of the Ministers' Union. "Tt, endeavors to bring us. into dcoser fel- lowgbip with our Divine Redeemer. It is the particular season for the strength-. ening and developrnent of the spiritusal Iieé, the cultivation of the Christian graces, and the building of a stronger. Christian character. The Union Lente.' services are a united effort on the part of the ministers and churches of 'the village to belp'accomplish this task. It also shows the solidarity of the Church house saw Meyer break window at the rear of unlock the back door and e ran to the Kenilworth Po ment and gave the alarm,; swere ordered to the sc( aching,, they met the buri Ïthe house and took hin ,ifln. >aeig> xr t 1t'meig"*n WilAi FiIn e i Palace Wvashinfgton avenue, vvilette, o Te regular meigo h on word.s from the 4 Lido in Eebruary 19, and still had in his pQs- send club of Wilmegte will be held The choirs 3 "Peter session some of the jewelry he' ob- iu the court roorn of the Vinage hall churches will re tattrae- tained there. on *'riday evening, February 26, at 8 Guard Guarda lHe also confessed to other bur- o'clock. Members and friends are rlame nt glaries in Evanston. Wiunetka and requested to atteud. Information and "iJctato 1- Weslt- Gece ehdattempted t n ieauecnb band-t12 and the Glno.HSa oe-ltrtr a eotie t12 ermot, y vïews, ter the home of J. H. McGill, 216 Ceutral aveuue and 440 Prairie ave- ,xqui9ite Broadway, Wîlmette, but was scared nue. T m Jby sacrific s) freshments the entertainigg the special music. iIs a recen ar ment. Rings Thec art,