Formerly siold at $1,000 an acre. 0f- fered now at $400. per acre. Owner 'will mnake t erme. Mr,, Enchemayer. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS E. SAWYER SMITH, 725-Elm. St., Wlnnetka. Pli. 3500 124LTN42-ltc Sunset Ridge District Severai attact.,tracts In this rapidly growingsection on the Ridge, west. of -the Skokle Valley, west of Winnetka, from 1 to 20 aëres in. size; some with trees. Prices $2,150 Up. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Shermnan Avenue Evranston, 111. UnIv. 2600 Wil. 2602 -WII. 1236 124LTN42-ltc DAN B-1 d, play pen. we other furniture. WTD. TO uUY-HslmLD. 000DOI CASH FOR YOUR USED YU1RNITURE modern or antique, and other houe- hold articles' Wlll also accept your furniture on con- slgnment bass.. CROST FURNITURE STOREl Entabllshied 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., ELvanston Uni. 0189 1SOLTM43-tfc WE BUJY FURNITURE RUGS, BRIC-A-BRAC, MEN'S & WOM- en's clothlng, shoes, etc. Phone Uni- and [ 6~ Ch Dori Humtphrey and Chares Weidman dith. their group of 15 Young ffwn and women "I give tihe second recitacl ithse Moidem Dance series, pre.sented by thse University' college of Northwestern imiwrsity, at 3:30 o'clocle Sunday olternoon, Pel'ruery 28 in the Auditorium theatre. Tisais * tPdzhnil de'mflLfrationanlecture zu* ,ll h. Iwpîpnted ji Thorn~ehall East ~$1 pair. Glencot Cen- 1 Apply Mr. Cole, CHICA( NELSON BROS. FURN The big buildng wlth on top. Rogers Park 4900. Open AJ VV 1-1 1.8 N. WAREHOUSE tL] the radio towens the prices from Dealer Goidmàan Mags. 55e WlImette 13SLTN8 ,Lt~, U V~ 'Orient, a school