coniL1tione rooms5., 21i baths. Near transportation and schools. Values soarring in this section. Bny at last yearls price. Caîl B3. Smith for appt. Winnetka 2700 Briargete 185 WOULDN'T YOU LIKE: L-IVING withln 2 blocks of lake .In: a dIstinc- tive. Colonial? This charming home. has broad winding staircase; large living roôm wîtii open hearth; library: 4bedrooms; 2 tile ba.tts,, and, that'.5 not near ail. Prlced. low because owner is, anxious te seil. R. Johnson,, Gre. 1855'9 Hol. 1855. KENILWORTHLrl A QUALITY HOME;- 99. ROBSAUTI. road F~xensvey bulît pressed brick residence with stone. trimi and tile roof-offered at coat of or.dlnary con- struction:ý 10 roorni, 3 % baths. Sho'wn by appt. Mins Cronk. WHAT COULD BE MORE IDEAL than a modern English home near the lakte? 0f finest construction, this 6 bedroom, 4 bath hiome on beauti- sacrifice. Cali Mrs. Fleming, Wlnn. 2700, Bn. 1855. LOVELY ENGLISH BRICK - END your rent worrles here: of fine design, this 3 falnlly bedroom, 3 bath, sub- stantial modern home. BeAutifully located. Is really pnlced below the market. Cati Miss Cronk, WIn. 2700, Bri. 1855. WINNETKA CHARMI7NG WHITE COLONIAL - Wilmettè If$10,000 is your lmit ini price, let uý$ show, you this well iocated 7 room bhouse. A Sun, porch, opens off the large living. room. 2-car garage Near schools. or this-. home su itable for a: smaller family. Nýear transportation, echool and. shop- ping. Cônistructed of flnest inaterials reducing malintehnne cost to a mini- n-um. 8 comfort. rms. 1% baths. H.W.O. To be sold at almost 1/ the orliginal. cost. East Glencoe Awhlte lapboatd, Colonial home among many large trees.on %.~acre. InteriQr iis particu4larly well planned-6 bedrooms, 3 'baths. H. W. O. Many unusual. fea- tures. Prlced to sell now-$27,600. Winnetka A brick home of pleaslng design. 6 rooms., Breakfast nook. H,. W. O. 2-car garage. $12,500. Kernworth nothi Colonial type. 7 rooms. Brick. H. W. O. fome< Heme is a bouse really worth the price- 6231 *14,000.lai W.( Farms lt 30-acre farin west of Techny. l1wo road lt frontages. Pniced for quick sale.. $8,500. AIso one-acre tract at $350. End R. B. W}IITAKER CO.- 140 Center Street Winnetka 3250 I{ubl 575 Stonegate Terrace Every room large and every closet,' too, in this charmlng 5 bedrff., 3- bath home. Scr. Porch overlcookinig garden location ex-; cellent. Only $22.500! SEARS REAL E STA,ýTE EXCLUSIVEI AGENTS 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 5288 111LTN42-1tc Wilrnette's Bcst Buys Can't B3e Beat Modern 7 r. stueco home near ""anld lake. H. W. heat, extra lavatory, per- fect condition, $8,500. 509 Linden Ave., near lake, sehools and .transportation. H. W., oi, .3 lovely porches, garage-, might rent, $12,500. 112 .troadçiay. Califomnia owner sy *"Seil," 7 large sunny rooms,. H. W. oil, garage, beautiful isection, $13,500. 1359 Ashland Ave. This lovely mcd brick colonial, H. W. oil, 2 batiis. break- 111LTN42-lte AN EM-3LE£M 0F TOSUCCESS TOWN A HOME SUCH- AS thls-a synmbol of a wa.y 0f lving-that reaches above the mere necessities of life- large grounda for children to romp over ".:- and -for breadth of view, '- a miniature estate in Indian Hill - Georgian .Col- onial home - w1th large clever- ly arranged rooms - 4 bed- rooma -2%~ baths, 2-car gar- age - yours for $ 20,000.. HEILý& HEIL OPeN. EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 1322 Chicago Ave. Davis 1819, l1lLTN42-ltc CHARMING 0 Tkr T1jf'TTT-. Firepl brick near living ýortation. H. ing ro upenior con- lovely deep Ai WHITE N644 fa.rin s1T42 c yard. odemn brick M s ,dr. 2 bths. 1618 Ch El of "L." 584 DflFXEL A .6 oonis ln pq trees, fenced 3 M2 Mile tO '2 $14,500 for appt. any t' Winn. 2700, I LISH BRICK ition. Lovely le to station: t reduced -to Shown by Mr. Pietschi, n.L Il NDPA' 1W ILMETTE.J OPEN FOR INSPECTI( SUNDAY 2 to 5, P. M. Only by seeing can the use of sI .and charni of inteior be apprecla Asm.all bouse complete in every de on a shady', quiet street; Cyclone fer back yard. 4 bedrins., 1Uý baths. 011« it- t wonti. ast long. Kenllworth. Red br., 4 bdr., o11 ht. Very attractive. On cholce street. 3, blks. to R. R. Sta. A buy at ...... $14,000 WITZLEBEN REALTY 562 Green Bay Road Kenilworth 5540 owner ia £0vUing V. rXL Uez;i, 500. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 530 Davis St.,, Evanston, Gre. 1080 Wil. 228 166 v 1i1LTN42-ltc 1396 9, *airo UbtUAAeLLW, ago, Iljinois.