1803 WALNUT AVE. 1ST FLOOR.. 5 rooms,. 1 bath, hot air ht., glazed-in front porch. 1 car garage. WI. 573 or 1334. 92L1!N42-2tP MOEN5 ROOM APARTMENT IN Hubbard Woods. $65 per rnonth. lm- mediate -possession. -Phone Winnetka. .115 or 1785. Q2L42-ltp 2 ROOM KI1TCHENETTE 9 APAnT- ment. Tule bath, electrlc refrigertLtion,, etc., $45 per mio. Phione Glencoe 100. 92LTN42-1tc 3 ROOM HEATED FLAT. RI.DGE road, Wllmette. $30. F. Pavlik. broker. Kenilworth 2016. 92LTN42-ltc FOR »RRNT--FURnisHKD APTrs, BEAUT FURN. 3 RM. AND 11/ ROOM Klitch. Apt Newly dec. Innerspring, inattresses. Gas. light ' heat, and .elo. refrlg. free. 2 bloëks fromn ail schoole, ail transp. Nice big yard. $55 and $35 - Ihnn Wil ,t 291.1021 ('en- (Avllaienow).................. NORTH WESTERN R FA LÉY & BLDG. CO.: "Builders 'For Over 36 Years" 516, Davis St. Uni. 9500 97LTN42-îte WKVE SUGGEST PROM PT ACTION Wilmette 7 rmà., 1% ba. 011 ht., 2cr....$1 7 rms., 3 ba. 011 ht., 2crga...125 Winnetka 7 ms., 3 ba. 011 ht., 1-car gar. 110- 9 rms., 2% ba. 011 ht., I-car gar...125 9,rms., 3 ba. 011 'ht., 2-car gar. 250 Glencoe ri s., .V A? ve, E BAIRD & W2 LIST WITH S FOR PROMPT SALES~ : 7 1733,S}iermafl Ave., Eyanston, Gre. *1635 97LTN42-ltp, 6 ROO'M HOUSE,- EAST WILMETTE.. Diabeneighborhoo.d, 2-car garage, fiôwers, newly mriôdernized :bathropm, toile t and. lavatory first fl<Aor.. 011 heat. Available now or May let. $75., Phone' owneér, Wilmbette 3945. 97LT1N742-lti>) MODERN BRICK HMUSE, 4 BDRMSl.. 2% baths, oli lit. att. gar... .$110 HARK«iNESS &LLOYD 584, Lincoin Ave. Wi.inetk a 177 SE. WINNETKA Mod. 6 rm. hse. within 3 blks., from schools; transi). and lake. Htd. Sun rm., gar., H. W. heat wit oll. $85 mo. Phone Glencoe 323.- 97LTN42-ltc FOR RENT -- 410 GREGOR Y-COM- pletely redecorated. seven room bouse. Two -baths, sunporch, o!! heat. Can be used as-two apartments. $75.00. Inquire 219 4th Street. 97LTN42-tp ATRA IE MALL' 1?JO¶5B IN Deerfield, for sale or rent. Woodburn- Ing fireplace. Robert L. Johnson, 110 S. Dearborzi, Chi.- Tel. Randolph 0112. 97LTN42-ltp ka, $65. Possession now or later., F. Pavlik, broker. Kenilworth .2016. 97LTN42-ltc 4 FtOOM COTTAGE WITH GLAZED a.nd screened porcli. In Winnetka. Hot water heat. Poss. March. 1. Wlnnetka 819. 97T429-ltr Winnetka- Good locationi. Available ýMaylt. Desitrable itore, 15x60 feet- -76 Lincoln Ave. Reasonable:relit. B. SÀWyER SMITH 725 Elrn St., Winfletka. Ph. 3500. 104LTN42-lte FOR SLE-APT. BUILDINGS LARGE, APT. BLDG.. BEAUT. LOC.. nr. schs., churche s and ail traflsp. & car $tucco gar. -. 66 ft. front. $12,000, 14OLC Mort. 615 'Park Drive., Kenil- worth.e Ph. after 6. P.M. Kenil. 5511. 108LTN42-ltp' FOR 9SALE-IIOUSus Distinctive Homes CHIIARMING R2ED BRICK WITIi siate roof, very large sunniy liv- ing, roo M, Sun 'room with tle« floor, 4 làrge bedrooms, 3 baths-, unfinlshed third floor wlth ample room for 2 bedrooms and bath; attached 2-càr gairâge'. $30,00. LOVIELY, ENGLISH HOME ýWITI1. spaclous rooxne in a. charmlng arrangement including a -large reception hall,' a ibrarY with fireplace, open porcli with awn- ings, 6 bedroom1s, sleeping porch, 3 baths. $35,000. BOTII 0F THESE HOMES ARE IN exclusive anld convenien.t neigh- borhood with lovely deep) wood- ed. lot. 'May be seen by appoint-. lagelt............... .-l 7 mies, 2% bs., 2 c. g., htd. slp. pch. 150 8 rms., 3 Ibs., oll, private beach. .. . 150 10 rrns,, 3%h bs., t3ip. pch., H. W.* ., 2 c. g...... ................ 150 8 rms., 3 bs., slp. peh., oil, 1 c. g,. 125 7 rms. 2'h bs., H. W. 0., 2 c. g., lot ÏOx 180 ..................... 125. 8 rmis., 2 bs., H. W. HL, 2 c. g., lot 6ftl5l ........ .............. 100 7 rms., bungalow, H. W . H., 2 c, g. 100 6 rms., 1 b., H. W. 0., I c. g,.....85 9 ms., 1 b., H. A. 0., 2 c. g., lot 76x135...... ...... ........ . 75 6i mis., 1 b., 2 slp. pchs., H. W. 0., - 4 modern 5 bedi', 3, b. rick Iluue ail in excellent locations less than $175, Several 3 and 4 bedr., 2 and 3 b. homes at $125 and iinder. GLENCOE Charming white framne Col. in A-i con- dition, 4 bedr., 21/ b., terrace-$140- off er. Choice English home-4 bedr., 31/ b. $125. SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 Richmonld Road Kenilwoi'th 5288 Ô7T,'.T 9.lf,. a U a M L___ YOUR M AY RENTAL IMMEDIATELY Mod. 9 rm. house, ln new Glen- coe development, 3 baths, oil heat, 2 car garage, recreation rm. Nr. excellent grade school. May lease; $150 per month. PREFERRED'LOCATION Near the beach and "L" terminal where prices are usually hlgh. $63.28 per month , pays- the $8,000 5% maortgage ici. interest We oiffer this unt let floor: livin-g o home. Price ning n,., sua -ms.. til bath. JINLAN & TYSON, Inc. LShermnan Ave. Univ. 2600 maton, 111. . wîî. 26062 I11LTN40-8tc -Ite S.' -iti~I