e How long bas it been ince you have really taken an inventory of" your home? How long since you last had your ,kitchen painted, your basemeént cleaned ? 0 How longý have Y( been longing for.,soi more elecfric outieti Venetian blinda? Ne slip 40YM8? e Why keep wishing whq the Home Service Pa. of your Home Pap cmii quickly and easi grant ail your wisli wth the. minimum coat and bother to yc oùu Me DREUSMAKING SEWIING ALL KINDS. AT YOUR HOMID OR M.REASON- able ýrates. Irene Da.nner. Glèenoe DREýSSMAKING. AND REMODELING (OMWNS.. Aise- drapes and curtains. Furnish' ma- chine. Wilmette 1263. 22ATN42-ltip DRESSMAE1NG FOR SMALL CH IL-1 dren and Young womnei. Reasonable prices. At your homie'or mine. P.hone Miss eidredge, Wilmette 2676. 22LT'N42-ltc PARM PRODUCEC :? LOCUST FARM 'STORES DW SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY HOURS 1225 Wihinette Ave. Phone Wil. 5458 805 Ridge Ave. Wilmette (en 9 to 12:30 a. m., 4 to 7 P. r]. 900 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods ige 9 to 12 am er 676 Vernon Ave. Glence ily QARDENINQ Of FLOWE RING SHRUBS >)U. WILL BE VIGOROUS IN GROWTH, produce better bloomis, 'and the. gern- Ave. 45LTN42-4tP.ý EXPERT. PIANO. TUNING, $3. RE-' pair. Work, guaranteed- >22 years' tac-- tory experience. H. C. Thomas, 206 CO- lumbila Ave. Park 4idge 1477. 45LTrN42-4tp - RADIO SEftviC-i YOUR RADIO, REQUIRES THE REGULAR ATTEN- tIon of an engineer ilu order to give you the best reproduction of yô,ùr favorite programs. SERVICE CALLS $1. ALL WORK GUTARAlNTEED* TO, BE, SATISFACTORY I'N EVERY RF.- SPECT. Lee: S. Fetcher Wýlnteka 2454 5OLTN42-1te. EXPERT Sr*RVICE AND REPAIRS. Any make sewing machine ouled andf adjusted in your homhe for only' 98c. Prompt service entire North Shore. Phon Wilfietë 3543. ' 5LTi42-4tY DRAPERIES AND SLIP ÇOVMIS WE DO IT' THE RIGHT WAY-ALL work doue by expert eustoni men. We carry a large complete hune of Domestie and Imported fabrie. ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION Davis Furniture Craftsmen 721-23 Maini St. University 7210 r Qr.PV?AI .C Home-i H-. A.. Dr. J.. M.C 908Linden Ave. Veterinarian .Wtnnetka 3737 144TNL50-4tp COCKER -S PANIEL',PUP AMERICA'S LEAING. DOG. PARTI- colOr, maie., 10 weeks old. Fine pedi- gree, eligIble A. K. C. Private party. Winnetka 2410. .44LT44t~p WANTED GOOD HOME IN VILLAGE for med. slIzed maie police dog. Good disposition.. Party must agrée to- ob-, serve local VIllag dog ordinances.,Write B3-73, Box 60, Wifimette, Illinoiso 44LTN4É-ltip Beauitiful Dachshiund FOR -SALE. ON4EYEAR OLD.' CALL Wilmette 3073, 44,TN42-lti POSTrAGE STAN PS POSTAGE STAMPS AND COLLEC- TIOXS . OVGIIT AN4D SQLD Open eves. A. D. Hansen, 1143 Asbury, Hubbard Woods, Ph. Winnetka 351 46LTN41-4tc WIEARIN40àAPPAREL B3oy's 4 piece suit Grey wool, size 184 * Practicaliy new. Bargain-$5. Winnietka 2623 5<,41TN424ltp TAILORINO MADE TO ORDER SUITS ON THE budzeot flan; $5 dôwii. For patr- CARL BENý CARPENTER AN Repairing and1 Call WINNETKA -24 Monday, K. GOOD rE -4tpI FRAN( Children age, mesn wristbanu. Liueral rewarc for 't- turn. J. Graffis, 761 Foxdaie, Winnetka ,. 2719. 3LTN42-Itc 42-ltp LOST: BETWEEN WIIEBOLDTS AND - Wilmette. Brown pocketbook, liad - pair childrefi's glasses, papers with Joann Hess naine, scissors and 15e ln it. cared' Wilmette 2747. 3LTN42-ltc. rvised Lost * do floq RUB- $6, up. serv- raB ~uIII. J~ .or cleanii Nlversity 7 ber, We neèd 51 best prices; Martii 742 Custer, Wiill pay them to tcire r40tf to list ýrs are bellp ,TN42-Itp -ltp *tte 943J.