r Nbrory Dionut Salé FRAM 10 PICTIJRES S25%/ t. 50% OFF JAIl Framleg 20% OFF l9Shumnan Ave. Uni. 0770 We CiI fer and Delip.r 1lu tflls country and noa w."igc ; der Meersch, a young man only 27 years old at the time he completed thé 700-page novel, Invoçion. T Phe scene of bis story is bis native city of RoGubiax. j ust northwrest of Lille, 'France , a terri- tory helci by the Gernians for four years. Van der Meersch,, then, a child of séven, is too young to bave gatbered tbe material for bis book firsthand4. Like Margaret Mitchell whoôse feeling for the Civil War in Gone WVith thte Wind was acquired from ber environmient, Van der Meerscb beca me imbued With the spirit of bivasion after the war fromn personal con tacts and residence- in the flocalitydescribed in bis book- Cboosing a very Ioosely knit plot,, he selects a clutter of some fifty characters in Roubiax and singly or in family and The fifty people ed at conu Place GOLDEN 1PINCE By àBertita Hardzx $3, 50 Author of Phantom Crown lut editions and autographed copies available. der Meersch goes to particular trouble xc mnake it clear that quite. as much niisery and 'tragedy resulted f rom corurption, greed and terror within the ranks of the "Ipatriots" as from the yoke imposed by the invaders. Occasional personalities become finer in the flames of wýar, but generally voung boys, women, old men, eb iri1 19. only a f ew of ie& February ion date. > iuany letters re- ing a second eal s the bock'. pub_- months later lie stai the F!ight to Hi-li 7(phich Riissid her ex- Is onlyi at seventy. ngthe upper age 'i liq