Outof-owf gustswil co- ton meet Monday evening, Marcn 1, at the home of 1ms T. HowardKy mience arriving in Kenilworth 2310 Thayer street, Evanstoin, they the first of next weelç for the wilIIelect a. committee t, nominate wedding of, MNiýssJane PeYck. officers for th.e coming year. daughter of.Mn. and ýMrs. Ar- As usual, the young People wiIl sew MardH eyk f20 Raleigh .for the Evaniston V7isiting Nurse as- soiciation, to wbich they. have donated road, to Jean Richard. Hùff, the nuneous.garments. M-,any more are son of M.r. and Mr$. Thomas B nearly completed. Mrs. T 'homas C. Huif of Sioux Ciiy, Iowa. Gryi ncag f the group -iiithe À%iss Peycke bas chosen an early- absence, of the claarman, Miss 'Gert- sring wedding and. will bce married rude Lammers, whois takin.g' a cruise at 4 'lc audy afternoo lto6 South Amferica. Mrs.' Len ýYoung, MUarch 6. in the drawing room of.th'e Smith of Wýîietka is. directing the home of bher p arents. before a small sewitig. giroup of guests, the Rev. Lelaànd Hl.. PReceit.lv, the Juniior.Group voted a Danforth of the Church of the. HoIy" cash -contribution to the American Comforter performing the, ceremiony. Red Cross for relief of flood victims. Bri 7de and bridegroom will he un- Those hhaeondterhms attended, and foling th siT -nail for th e who have ôeeti rfhe weddinz a large reception wiu >elous lx. 9i Vt-iî te heda :0o'clock. past year are Mrs. Len Young Sm~ith, held at4 .30frs. L. P. Martens of Wilmette. .Mrs., The out-of-town guests are* ail Gordon Graham, and Mis etrd meipbers of the bridegroomn's f ar- Lammers, of Evanston. sGetid ily and include his mother and father, *his sister, Mrs. Thomas J. Hughes of New York. and bis younger brother, Dale Huf!. A student at Leland Stanford universitY. Dale is Next Book Review for corning fromn California for theIfatW fr rh2 Balfour PhotO, As a place for gathering toge ther the mniy books, phokiograph rec- ords, sheet music and pic tures, imenh- bes o 4iw.Kpzilworth q'nter of thir Infant Weihzre society a re i'eeking for thieir. secoiid-haind book sale in - ýIjiastoII M a r c h 1-5-20 Mrs. Charles Henry Gibson is lending the use -o.f hcr home at 1447 Towcr road. J4-,'i;ietka. New fo Preside A wedding gown of white sat.- in imade.on simple princess lunes ,n tined with Alençon lace ;a worn.by Miss CIara Grace, ýWray of Glencoe for her mar- riage, last Saturday-e.venlng,. to Alvin, Vincent Mitchell, of Ev- anston, the son of Mr. and. Mrs. ýW. S.ý Mitchell, of Altoona, Pa. A fingertip v,.eil.of tulle fel f romn aý tulle ýcap, and she carr.ied ,white roses,1 white. sweet peas, and frnee sia. Mrs. John D.. Emrich, Jr., of Glen- coe, sister of the bride, was ber ma- tron of honor and, only attendant. Mrs. Emrich's creamn -lace gown over pink satin was also. made'on prin- èess 1ines~ and -sh~e tarrne an arm bouquet of spring fliwcrs. The littie flower girl, Julia Wray, 3Y2 year old niece of the bride, wore à pink chif- fon frock and carried a basket of spring flowers. Julia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James G, Wray, Jr., of Oak Park. V. C. Brink of Evans- ton, the best man, was the fifth mem- ber of the bridai party. Mrs. Wray, mother of the bride, Most of the prenuptal pris o Miss Peycke took place during the -Cbristmnas holidays while ber school friends were bomne for their vaca- tions, but lwo showers arc planned cluring tbe weeks imniediateiV pre- çeding the wedding. Next Wednes- day afternooxi, Mrs. Theodore 'Nor- itz, 226 Warwick road, Kenilworth, is Riving a tea~ and stocking shower 620 Gregory avenue., jamesI Robinson's "The Human Col bas been selected by Mrs. Carl sen of Winnetka as the subie, ber review. There bas been ac in the meeting place for the1 16 program and Mrs. George lant wiU1 nnotiher home at 211 mneetinig, Monday,, Marcf 1,, at Inin Irai-I tea roomn, 507 Cbestnut street, \Vinnetka. The election of officers, beld re- cently, resulted in the reelection 'of Mrs. E. G. Allen of Winnetka as. chairmati. Mrs. Lewis B. Ermeling of Wilmette was chosen vice-chairman, o'clock at the home of thie Drides pare nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wray of 625 Washington avenue, by the Rev. Douglas Cornel of the *Glencoe Union cburch. The guests, limited to the members of the two famfilies, wit- nessed the ceremony and remained for the -bridai dinner wbich followed. Mr. Mitchell and -bis bride will make their home at 1004 Main street, E vans ton. Year will man, thei . . D. u rns1 g the luncheon, will be made. aur. . a£% -. - hg hostesses. -Mr. anxd Mrs F... A. Faville of 622 Greeneaf avenue recently toôk, a.trip of a iittle more than a week to Cleveland and Detroit. In Cleveland théy werc guests of Mn. and Mrs. L. A. Quayle. foôr the ,bC ciectea.,