Swenson, +0, Be T7he Skokie Valley: chap)ter7, Daught ers' of the. A ni e r i c a ni Revolution, of w h i c h,«Mrs. George Shipmian is. regent, pre- sents the follo Wing ijnformaàtion about the -State D. A.R. con fer- ence in Galesburg, March .17, 18, and 19, in the -Central Coni- gregational church of that city. The, formai, openinlz of the "Con- ference wijll be at -9:30 in the morti- ing on Wednesday, March .17, and will be preceded. by a quarter hour Organ recital. Registration. desks at' both Hotel -Custer. Hleadqua rters, and the Hotel Broadview vill be, open from 2 to 6 Tuesdav. March 16>. also in that, evenîig. After that. registration will be in thé lobby of the Auditorium where the confer-. ente is to be held. The women of the Central Con- R regational church will serve noon lncheons during the conference. j eevain Ro hs r ob mae wvaiosrthèse AaW Pre* to75 Mre ithree, r is Car Nrr 859 N. Prairie street, Qalesbur. Write tn them for room reservations, Balfour Photo .Mre. -feeki J4wg II1rcad the French conmedy, -Tavorich," at tlhe bene fit to bc heid lWediuxrdai-v tif tcr- noon. .Varch 3, at 2:30 o'clock al the Ke'»ih'orth club by the Kenil- worth bran cl of the .Arden Shore' COnMMitter. The prQceeds from the' bene fit. til go ijuto fthe biilding fund for flhe >aew ch ildrê'n's hùs- pitai al A-rden Shaore. and emecritus members. 0f the former. MNrs. George WT. \aught,ý present p résident, introduced Mrs.-j. K. Far-- ley, Jr., Mrs. C.HoôarËd..Bent, and M.rs.- Henry G.-Zne, ;of. the emerîius members, Mrs. Warren Pease, Mrs. George Maher, Mrs'. Rufus B. Stolp, and Mrs. -H; A. Kasten. Folloving l.uncheon and.a. short businéss meeting, MNrs. Cecil Meredith graciously introduced *Miss Harriet Allyni, diseuise, who withi rare- sym- pathiy ini her * portrayals, comnbified humor and pathos in an unusually skillful rendition. of several of'.ber own original sketchies. Her lines were, clever, ,and her interpretatioli of' them, usîing the, merest suggestion of costumes, and dependjang a * nost entircly upon lieýr facial expression.S, gesture-,, anld Noicl %ýauenceb, orew app.ealhng pictures. tot the characters she port rayed for lier enthusiastic audience.-~CÔftri bute (l. Speaks on Arepreseli "Nwr Flowers" niv f awell known Theindiaii Players, in native costumieS and .using Indiani drumis, Wvill corne. to, the Wom- an' Cubof Wilmette>Wednes- dla%, Marchi 3, to giete1is p)art ot the norning prograil con ncident ith the al-day mneeting. Prof. Harold A.S3w'en- son will pr esenit bIis third psy-- choblogy lecture at fioon, and i the af ternoon, Mari Floto, fash- ion ýathort, vl alk on "Per- sonality andw Dress." The director of the Indian Players is- Frances Ross, r eader, a graduate Of the Columbia School of- Speech. and a granddughter of'a member of, the pottowatomie tribe of Inidianis. As 'Miss Ross reade "Sunirise of the, Menominees," by Phoebe jewvell Nichols, Indian songs will form a musical background. These wiil be sung by Harod Jones, lyric tenor,' the son of a Sioux chief. Mr. jones is at preselit a student at Seabury Theological seminary in Evanston. The third member of the organiza- tion is juanita Sponenharger, mezzo so anoaraduate of the Columbia this occasion. New state offilcers to be eiected at this conference are: state. regent, chaplain, recording secretary, regis- trar and historian, The poils will he open Friday niorning, Mardi 19, from 8 to 10. Galesburg, founded olie hundred years ago, . was .named for Dr. George W. Gale, who wth three mmihrs of a committee, of eleven., of the Wilmetté Baptist church have luncheons this week, meeting as fl lows:- On Thursday Link F, of which Mrs. P. H. Arden is leader, will be enter- tained by Mrs. L. Robbins at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. E. C. Carlson, 231 Winnetka avenue. Link R Mrs. Clarence Çlark's Link meets coilege. As pianist of the Church of Christ, Scientist, of Wilmette, he is well known here. To Address Juniors For the first haif hour of bis pro- gram, Professor Swenso& will discuss "Hypnosis," for the, second haif- hour he will answer questions. Mrs. George B. Williams, prograin chairman, will introduce the speaker at 6:45 her .usu~al appearance to ing. week later. loi tu ef ,the -îsm and er. .. Mrs. 1be si 'ram,