Moftett Photo A lcoi e sdenj, Mr~s, J14i.4R.oris, -is one of te twi, local chair- men assi.tting the general chairusan of arrangemnents for the Junior uxiliary of the IEvanston cenrter of the Infaut Welf are soLiety; in planes for the First National Badminton tournament b bc held April 1, 2, and 3, at the Naval ar;iiry in Grant Park. This, thc first tournamient of its kinid ever to be held in this country, tvill establish for the first time national >atings for amateur players. The Juntior at.riiaryý, .with the Junior Service feu gue of the Infant Weifarc society, j; sponsoring tihe tournatuent. Every Carment DrstcalyReduced f or IMM E DI1AT Ee CLEARANC E STARTINOC:FEBRUARY- e e 25 DAY, DINNER and *EVENINC DRESSES' * COATS and To the outstanding book ' by Philip Guedalla, just off the press, and to bc reviewed by Mrs. Henry G. Zander, j r., o f Kenilworth next Molnday morning at the WVihnette Congregatiotial. church, tells the story fromn dictatorship back to dictator- ship. It is one of the finest review of the past hundred years, closely knit together, "sas good as a college sic,' and picti memnbers of, of the Infani soliciting in first project second-hand1 their bea held k- of *NECLICEES ,.n Iree group s 976 Linden Avenue Hu1berd Woods 1 notel in t a t the