MuMir",d Oas .toe bp Tuooiay»Motesu.*um, s th ew o s.o WHAT LINCOLN DMD The stock answer to criticisin of President Rkoosevelt's alleged ,plan to pack the Supreue, court, is that Lincoln did the saine thing, and, if it . was right th en, why is it not right now? 'The.St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a Democratic news- paper, gives the.following account of Lincoln's. appointinentS to.the Suprenie court:. "ýOne of our leiter wrlteràî eelebrateë. LÂticoln'a bl1rthdAY by asserting that President Roosevet lis merely followlflg the examnple of the civil war Presidetit, who 'doubled the -number of, Judçres, *creating- a court of ten jud9eis inktead of five.. "This statemnenti l accurate. The size of the ern ort wa.. not încreamed fromilve to tfl Be court ture sbould prQperly be handled by the readerst themselves, eitber over their own signatures or a nom de plame. And so the question asked .is aserdby another, "Why don't ýyot&* write something C the paper about this or that?,"-If it is a subject in which you are interested, it is reasonable teo suppose that others are also.interested, and in a1 community such as. this there is nô better wayA to insure satisfactory solutions to public prob- lemns1 than the free exchange of ideas among the:, villagers. To make this possible, a "Public Forum" col-l urnn is open to ôal correspondent s who wish te speak t heir. minds on matters of general interest,. orfo suggestions for the better conduct of. public'affairs, or for the correction ofevils ofI whatever nature that may plague. the village.1 This column is open to ail, the only stipulations' being . that fliere 'bë 110 bjtietabe- efsona al-1- lusions, and that the f ull naine of the writer ac- company the commuaniec'atiôfl, net necessarily for publication, but for our 'information. Why nlot take advantage of this channel to make known your position on any matter of public policy affecting the conununity as-a whole? conc act. *individua lisin and initiative have'flot yet been c ompletely stamnped out.. Comneg tO Chicago Tedý Peckham, debohiair; jaunty, suave, and proposes .tôo sup ply escort service to lonely ladies at. so- much .per hour. 'He seeks 30 escorts (vulgarly called gigolos), who must, be college bred, 'of Blue Book social standing,,and with ~_ wardrobes for alocsn. You .sec, Mr.. Peckbam ideals only in quality merchandise and the best servic'e., Not a. bad idea at aIl, but possessing, perhaps, the elements of com'n- plications. Take a highly i- proabl,.situation . such as. this: Mr. Highexecutive, supposed to be out of town on urgent business, bas repaired to a popu- jar dining spot and in company witb bis secre- tary, is efljoyiflg a sumptuous dinner after. a bard day in' the. office. Imagine tbe sbock of seeing Mrs. H-igbexecutive, supposed to be in ber proper place at home, enter on. the arm of one of Mr. Peckham's handsome escorts (or gigolos, if you must be vulgar). Wby, it would be siniply terrible!1 And bow in the world is ise ln 1864 on the fIve justices ln aI7- - when he took Office, xho resigiiêd, two to iv dgeth. and one to on the third day ofthte ;ollowzng J: Presjdehit is lnaugurated on the. 2 two dates are set by the 21st am~ constitution, better known as anienduient. Suppose, however, shouldarise as to which candidate th. The lat ter ndmnent to the he 'lameduck' -at a contest should receive te. To settie spend for groceries? Maybe she could get away with it,. tbough. Some women are clever that way. Elightened public opinion is rallying 'round the President in bis noble effort to pack the Su- preme court in order that sonie successor may one day dictate its decisions. Attest: The other day a sovereign voter, foreign born, lad busi- [a passtag aq are as regul Maybe wc h our famous mc have solidified.. Sa bit too gencrous witb ot. The mass seenis to "SIun unionisrn," his employeca. Mr. portunity to learn shunned. is Henry Ford's advice to Ford will probably have op- whether or flot it cati be Tifr~PurxRPR that statn the Ult With thet 1 côûci