to Mexico City. Mr. v .augh t wilcoIne directly homie from. Mexico but Mrs. Vaqght.will stop in San Aintonio for a brief V'Isit, returning1 to Keniilworth, ,witb her sona week later. LISSONS Convers.tion Dicton Lit eralure Auaditorium BId. Studio or at your home 0190 Reso KemiI. 5215 :With initerest in Mexioadispo pie -reaching new heights, with rail,, highway, air,, and water routes to thé nation below the Rio Grande ail popu- lar and well-patroflized, that country is becoming as well-knowfl to Amerî- cans as are well-traveled portions of the United States. But beyond the regular routes in Mexico are many primitive communi- ties, whose civilization and mode of life have changed littie since tht tirne of the conquest. An d there are a few visitors to Mexico. curions..and ener- getic enough to surmiount the difficul- tics of discovering for themiselve, the villages of the natives who have iot Part of the time during the trip he was a guest of the -Mexican governi muent and so was able to take motion pictures in color of unusual native peopte and of different scenery. Avoiding, this time, the usual sight- seeing places, Mr. Robertson paid vis- its to Orizaba, Urapan, Lake Patzctt- aro, Monte Aiban, Mitla (inspecting the pyramids there), ,and Oaxaca, where are the "craft villages" in whicli about 60 per cent of al native pottery, hand-wrought silver, hand- loomn work is made. At Tieotetlan he took pictures -of a.native plume. dance, part of the, ceremoni es in whieh the people ask for rain and good crops., Z1 Day.; Tw. Hours At Oaxaca, capital of the state bear- "One. of the first things we saw,t' Mrý. Robertson declared, "was a man hammi1 er i ng a knife out of a Côld cçhisel over a littie charcoal flame. 'Ail the natives carried-knives," lie added, "not to be used against each. other, but as protection agaiflst mounk- tain lions." There is plenty of wild game in that country, including bear and deer. [t was duringthe party's short stay that a man killed aimounitain lion, a beast. thiat is spotted like a léopardl. The country is so hot that the peo- pIe Wear.littie clothingi -the only gar- ment worn by most of the women be- ing a. skirt secured with a girdie of woven grass. Com, 920 avenue, 1)a wdell known trav- the -Hearthistone etoeanmr iof the state bor- c coast about 150 e trait, the only ;over four inoun- pires, 19 days te vmuleback. B% native other for an occasional hair, there is, no hat the people arc stock. Only a few nish. As a matter tson learned, in the lofle. there are 17 -5 lacific çoast. Donald Robertson use< Saw Bull Figt .mi Mr. Robertson began his trip time iortly after the first of the year, go- ig by train to Mexico City. He spent7 tle time in the capital, except for a d by the party from ,C Er. Robertson recalied 1 ý in their flight thev wc was' tact, me KJXL>UisonJA cocoanut milk to the conc questionable drinking dIed A grcmlp of pictures. sevVV1 4 fan corner of the lin. with '