and .4wo Ravdios 1 K -. Lý . Records Sound Systeins -Radio's Groatest Name Y0,sr Guaranitee - 897 Lincfrn Avenuee Hubbard Woods Winnetka e8l PA TRONIZE OR0DVRISERS f~% IRL GASPS AS MNET HCAUGHTL]AST JUE! That the presént schedule, with its 12 leaguegames begins too eariy anid forces the playing, in sonie cases, of two gaines a, week, in order to allowi the members of. the suburbanI eague to finish by about March 1,is 'Un- satisfactory, was one of the reasons givefl for New Triers withdrawal., It was further pointed out that, especially in the local, tournaflients, the' school would almost inevitablW nieet ail the teams that they had played in the league season al over again. tournamefit seasofi, it was1 out, the boys are forced toV most as many games as in tl 1lar schedule iDecember, J play al- the reg- anuarY, wntwo events. That boy was CarneY 'Who won the high ;jumnp and the low burclàt. Another outstand- ing feat was 1that of Park' Brown',s victory in the MIle.- u t h juge msoiÊrt of,laps, the rutifers ran on1lY ten laps, onelap short of aý mie akwas g(oifIn at a: terrific clip and was sure to break the track recrdutf ate held the cards and: he recod tecntn oa victOry and, ha o erd. n tO New Trier scored four sltms in the high and low hurdies, the pole v'ault, 'and high jumnP. Barnard wion th e high hurdies, :Carney .the low hurdles and high jumnp, andý Mould- ing and Roberts tied for first ini the pote vault. As' us.ual, Lowell snlorf Won the broad jumnp, this ýtinie the Old purpE ents which culi Sclassic, bave usefulness and was pointed açnd eues, of h ofhe seasofl's first niet when of te tur-he won the 50-yard dash ini the fast e in the all_ tixue of5,5 econds;MaFdtl some of their was second ini this event as vvell as il, ic interest. the broad jumip. Atothr fat tine as afurherwas turned in by Anthony of New -a a futher Trier when he won the 440 in 56.6 n atio, tat seconds; Ted Bushnell was second. xg schools, Captain Bill Murray returned to his rgegyifasa:usual high forin when he' won' the Established .by Students w The stùdent council of New Trier Ti High school bas instituted self goverfi- nment in eight boys' study halls because of the excellent resuits obtained in the 'M~ trial self governing study* halls last tb seniester. This is a new step ini student< -ýlçcynemm n aNew Trier. ili mleet 1Hamirnondhigh i th ew rier field bouse at 10 O'clock. Resulti 50 yard da*sh: won by Mo111e0(T) 6aeFadzeafl (NT) second, NMarrnW < S) hird. Tine 5.5. 50 yard iow hurdies: won by Carnvyi ST>, Deviflfy (NT) Fecond, Barnard ýNT) third. Tirne 6.3. 50 yard high hurdies:- won by 11-rnard NT). K Brown (NT) second. Knoop NT) third., Timne 6.8. '440 yard dash: won 1by Anithli-(.NT), Jewes Food store, Ill& centralj reama's Market, M18 EMe A'q A Ae A& P Food store, 1109 Centrul Av@- A.e. V u Iuse, 1154 Centrai AVe. l she wiII attend Ichoose a represei: te COni Sf roin t o 1and ne also 1 24.8, seconds how could that b. po#mle? . .im_ wgW iOut in the esamee t. r