SARATOGA1 AKES Th. long natrrow stips of crisp, flaI, cracices that or. 0 ice to serv with ous sladcs or fruit Iice-lb. pkg.- BUTTER-COOKIES Thin, crisp 'and frosh from the ovens.ý Not too swe.t $0 they are fi.togv to the chidren between meals-Car. ton of more thon 28-. BOTHfor 21c 13C lOc Wekh,'s TOMATO JUICE RIIci in Ivitomnc soif is à tonlo amy tm. pf the. day.- for, b.alifest.: drinkpli.ufor ance., season with col.ry solit. for dlianer coin- bine with unsweeten.d grapefruit buic- L Jumbo tlns-3 for 79c- 2c GIRAPEFRUIT JUICE (Swoolemed or Iiuaunteucd) Just the pure juice of fre.-rlp.n.d fruit-Chili and serve for breakifast. lunch- 18-M,. mon or dinne,-Ooz>. 1.10 2 tims 19 C Sundino Grapefruit Juice, 12 mr. 2 for 1 79; DOL 1.00 GINGER ALE - ROOT BEER or CHARGES WATER 4Large 24-o&. d Do& $Sek.29C CANADA DRY GINGER AL Individuel size-R 24for1*~~ *aeh SLICED HALISUT For frying or baking-dg way. lb. I -I TEXAS JIUCE Swe-flavored and a Ut fle cinnamon. ORANGES full juice. Serve morning, J lbs. 1lIC j doz. 89Cj Fish creamn a*as Wel as 3 IOc Bal lr UU W V Fm.N IServe raw as a relish, with radishes, or cook whole and serve with brown buffer and cracker crumbs. ILb.19C i ami Larie- quart 5 9C lers are equally j qur,49cI. ' REF, VEAL, POI Epround for loaf. A, ~F5.ef FEBRARY25, 19 37 17 Frui ts and Vegetabe a lit t. i -