Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1937, p. 16

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The names inctuded.alLis chebr w h v r ged better than , a in b oer , ll -ri .iY fl i v thuu- isIIIer, the- - ail whth e. gmth, edanwkpegel, rn SeRe- their sbets rshinan girls, ber. lle n Sedgwl'Vvin eek thl Bek U the bad. Push in then briskly gee, u th <62. and, senior boys, with 54. %were thé berg; Ktherine wVagner , Ruth Wetzel a Hii s etni tepaofgenasie t larget grupsote i.lua, Flora jean Whte, Annette WilliàaeS: toý finish -nine %von. two Iost. Ilcad a ndwee 400orahoseon- arJne ooB.MaeleoeneL thaeny uprior. Carpeter'ý I eer headed. neaW tuent, UXOU~QILSsophomore saewsda.seClIInpe-seasofl .,tbof the student body, were given. .jeanfle Bailey, 'Jane ýBiÈneli, Betty sm 0oo rl atn.Biuim. Margaret Boozer, Jane. Burbott gms adnn os."oe" sm 0f these,45 ('laet ICevelanld,'Susan Dnaf.Betty î'DeForrest Soçe uev'.orofUw r i terspae nndergadUate wboseBettyintra-mUral athltics, )nounced that ~kgnaol naiesinth l~tbeowar mrkd y Charlotte F.mf. arci.Fs eheexpec.ted to start the annual freel thestate's leadiig _71, an asteris k. e r e n " " ii e e y B ty j ae Grosse.' Patriei Grover. h o i g ç n etn x e k t e team s. The school à dica' 1 ~~~~~~Doris Jean, Hargis, Ale enHensen; ho it-z c iet, nx w ek atr stud, scoolrecods ndicte.Beth Hindley, Eleanor Hokaflen, Janet .the inter-class h asketball garmes have tiroflhenorth Cy Gae Ed f4lihRerNot Boynsr, Bh 'n Kngx RtLechnr, Jntbenpaewas evidently over-rated for e fie, L rsc . P ave s artici ating ini at îea lst o e T ir. jno l. . r vef tm oe s a e i e , L e e r B ro fi e .T ed B u e n g e r. Lo is M itc h e ll, R o em a ry O b eri ie.r, -* ni w te m ar 'T rieot u e S S (a s f an t% a - r i ct o e s a r Geëorge Clabaugh.. Paul Cray, R»ger, nn nlmrted, Patricia arks, Doris Pal-n top- Cutihrnafl.Draper.DaYtfJh DeSferson, ,Jane Penberthy,, Rosaind' n*h fon he w the following: coteid) ad lin ttiedifcUtY i t *Iffr tPurdy,Barbara Pjpley.BraaR n .~egtDi 1 »0* pingte aegfatck John Feu soi . RobCrt Goodiy, BaSebior .hamps:(n-tes~ "> h i idt l u 1Jhn I> uh l , ff or E a ltAl n son . j seph ifle R usso, e.e C é t ý , ù Aot .4 Rap 1 grf, erSJy ,A nn. Schuinan., Paulife Shank, 1Macott * Richard Kent, (harlee Kerner, 'Walter Smith, Ruth .;;Irenger,'PaulSeheon lI iÎ-1Badger. Frank Brvchta. Soatt Kno. P nyjnOn d Kh, . eZKer rn.sStorfer, Jean Striklafld, Eliza-Capbell, John Dulhill Btid' Rother- 1~ to h rdt ls ot oc ber. rî~nger. mtJ)nScrfRvSced.Fa- de Graterý, whse iightedîîess ilnLL(nyLe, rthr UUefeld R a lnth StThopmp--ofl 'Margaret Tutt je, Wein-having bis teanipractice breaking Le m IArthur LUtlfl L Ew i L e k a , ,syfllOfld ýV Ltr m f i-sirtp s WÏlim L krm .1%ats<n, Çarrl9e ore.y iinr champs (PiIer's I ii up \\auk-egaUi's style of -s ot a- W1li, Lken. Mac eoore. W hfiMn'ing the latter Ret 'Bhiob Bru MOI'-gan - ~-SOPHOMORE GIRLS Buhiai. Bob EFhnier, Charte rgr igresul~1tti i lf re tMtiOlLusMihoWr h eyerS, e, Ne aua ndersn Betty Baker, Dor- Iick Haas. Bill Levings. Jim ohîn, almosttoatadtil Art Nesn Bill Nolte, Charles PcrcY. ty aum, Elizabeth Behles, Margery Ic en H u*r.ipcfr- e ii . u t h n i g e oth h t a ;h Jim r otP hTng F i ld.aHuhertca ev RydstoniFranC5 Bckhafl, ettyBruc, Loraifc Sohonlre camp~(Carpenter J had playe Morton a ieo r 5;m*ý%n O),î raff\1-T 9 Pila. uhfr, Pegzgy Butterwflrth. (i-',u.JniDwy.Mt affile,,-,! Grater, realiziflg his teatn had littie Dete hap Bl Sebis Hrvy MaidaCar% 'uie rginder, t-Ralph Humler. Frank Kocol, B. Po-real chanc.e of beating 'Morton, and SteffenF, nRd*tt Steff6fls. ginia Diietz, Jane Drucker, rgna tr.TezksVncSuee'bemhtetdeataken po eAyhtcin Taylor, Murray Triplýtt, *Rob>- janté-, Joan f<lerte, Marily-n Hagan. Pattv tu. G ezks. -neSiyde.1eridedthelayders eatWaegot poo-rd 4-t W alker, i hard WeérnP<(kC-, 'J<' Harshîux, nnu $earne, Louise H(rzig, \\-inwt(rhothaim. Art Russo.%- ed t epa rsw e i o t e , t Wh -1h, William Wright, Frr1 Wl.IJae II ayHosr.Mr dl. emte is first strng to play onlv Fre-dérflk Bird, yac-k, rT&l Julus Xuetta Karsten, Jean Kri-tzer, JoatÎ- Scarcity of Teachers eog ogv hma"oku. Catin, Dick Cowan. rT"0.Cl>.:jtèfad Rse M.\ary 'McK4ýighftfl, Rvae yEdctr 1 then ,replaced thiem 'with th '~Reve>oed bMillanatnoreHe el <lians Der. i(-hard Frai i ane Newmnan, Fior a gliant1oNaJ- A sQrag o eîmetay arsitv, which lhad a gaine th" 14arr y i!her, iBol'a trvschoolju1o Zer,- flve <Cepe't, P ete rb, aril, li. Pare, MPjr e PE r.tzf) , Jane Peter- tres i ann h CIO I- n x ornin g. wýith W aukegan. Per- inrord G c ran -i Ma , a r n o , N a eein Pie esy AteXfleron it ing th m pla s plit tue with, Greele, 'DII ~ ]t, diM n Hin malLi, M rg-t a mo d Susat' Reichm annP , 'of the m idd e west, t was s 1d in theth r ti g he k pt bothteaflis ili Lauren( , lland, Garrett James. I.eln derElaine Rotherme, "*Shr- week 'bv Miss Ednia Dean Bkder, conditio'frte îet da' ga es j ~Jack efldriclç. ordn Klddoo, Ric- lY Scaratt, Helen Sieber, Martha Sief.-peiet ainlÇleeo Mro etten s~a ~etd ard KI M ile. ob rt LiSs .T rvs in- k , Bernic(e Stein. t M or8to n19.B ut the mpuras e îas -apcom , gle, les Mason, andOlph M <n 1~ , Eln W aùon G(-ertrude W istc , cation 8t 1.P tt e u p s w sa c m RusellMnr, Ch.rls l<n, Jim Oli, PylkWhelc, Lis Whiteheacd, su: 1 With ten requests for teachers for plished when .N\e\Wý Triers varsity heat Jax-k Pitter. an W\Volf4 im, Wolff, Subi Wo(-ote-n, t next fall already received, she pointed Waukegani. l aRElINott GIRL atS aturday'., junior gaine lhad to be Seýida , RabY1.Ed o shîdi-rbég ll r1-sttig luieYAeS out that the five mid-year graduf-rom Herert~-inbeeerJ.n 71iWif, l.rle AamGertrud Baldwin, had been able to select positions fraoda imeais ttscrr n Vi'trWafer omWleX Jaf.s-I1,aaBell, laila Bliss, M\uriel Braa- 32 offers. Twowere placed -thein Mîch-n( '\OicRr , Jtgn-r, o Jan n butewrt. (1i eTian n iiFo wraad tin 11hl- tmec bea. onusd Wolff. tê-1n, Barbara Branch, He-len Bull, -Mary gnoninFoiaadtwinIlltnerbealecnfs. Willam. ,An(ré-ws. (%trl Battir, la~inée$ Hiriett(-C'arýlso&, Mary chtp- ii nois. A Michigan superintendetit This Friday niglit, 'New Trier wil Beirnes, 'Brue('rsf, William ('I, 4r1d oole, Beverly, Craggs, Dolores stated in his letter that bis state is conchude the seasoil withl a gaine at irt Fe~ arliy E Ni><'ie, Jurne sflb MrG tPahy 'ia Gsfeigfrom a shortage of teachers Highhand Park. Wlr yrle, obrt FarwCll, Richard Miim1 aklMr edge, Doroth Flniif-y, lon îFrisi4e-li, Maicw Gaffiley. Greier Be er . Genn, Julie Goodmant, and wil stîi be short tis fall. Fres ,hmaan.Sophomôre * Don Gfarretson iHo pd 0 ,marin Nan v Goo>dflifiJl Joan Go,(dnow, M\ty DW si i Hu Profesion in. otnadoeio g 14tRIch, aleHidbd'Rert Hil-(I af."hcodtnisgrl, accord-Ifc<1 IZÀbti U t IS tttrs-o e amonso. h5~ m a n , R i c h a r d p i r s eir o I 'f l n , llrtk , , ra c e r ,"prr * lyit e H a h n , T h a t 's th ie w %a v N e w T r ie r s t a n d s Humphrey, EilNrieiCibHillnlrthal :Kôch lzaeh n t Ms Bkr,"a!. eauei ,l re. ntHihad akt ( b andof. Jack L w Q I,\erg o I4 tMrjoi'ie flohfeld er -, Charlotte m any m ore girls are marTyifl 01Lw o , n or e H e l ilkebaflch npi ns i b s teiehseiring. Abert Long~, Jaekqon Mar- I-uek, Marjorle Hultgren, l'ois Johnsoti gadatonan nyIhallanracte is t Highland Sartk-da -o~ *L w e n M arkus, - M K eoW X', L Utin Jandones girls ha e b e lion 314WIerTBil ,Iilard, Har'old 'Nfot er, dlLn. baemprn, Thr'ea Kahn, *'Mabel fi-teed 'wy fr, ecin sai .1 hev put théieskids tunder N\aukegatn, -'ore %ore, Rlobert Vrtoso; Keefe Ma\lrv JJnàn, k1oa ilni-r,1proessioti by the depreSsioli aayj4 o~ ii*4 poivel nôRo rt flayvt Tî1ed rac'e Iirsct f>irbara *ristof, Barbar~a. cut ,p~ eSpydays and tl fa' Rg a~ hn o t~ e n h RaVkwell 1),aliitle,, Roert Sta1J, LJslRuyth I ce 'B;iara I e- - - - aflWt %t4ai hoe >,vJe~SBb Maet et Mehl4iOt)P etv*i ett ~ e's fror it tW24 cigbit fieki goals and ive free thrQA ~~4~» ~ ~ 'eteJeplO i~iO1,1Mari$ql- ýýn trSf~~~ S fld ir 21 points. IHe lhad a chalic,- , t - ~ ~ ~ ,~ T cia: May ei0' e t iit, po Q lQ l ille charitv iiftenipts. Frel JakiatJh lop ,d. T e J li rd.-,h rs-riu w s d le N 1-w *Patnulotll, Haerge>la ifleai Sohn ite fl(8),lorStanley td -.- - - -(t). i j Klrctt *laun *H aroldtt, Wflttad, . ten.creeadtieei isltdu-~r4aate o in forpition~ Ms Baer loew ,'lore 2 ný4 Wand ic tegu ftoebel,(trt otffen, Wugbail'obet in Bo fra e gr gI st A. BentceRt <rad4 i five girOl ponedoti ot îtrit81iunr construteon ofthe nweWillia qaI( Wa t~ ie h in eta wa te tc itetr e ren d rm ih.; i sshe c i- T Giier'- rit'e'îrf 1 4 3 w tard, f ost ie tain Mîh,;MissPauineBenntteacrcsi O S SlouihngfrO O j ~ ~Jý n Roh, Ge r e Ror me B tl, JohnS, The fW s h lo in o f B i fr a reeer m e i l te c i g V lacoogn-i S u n a c E Sct #Bp Sartt iliam, te, * re" Mndtcere o college ate guestana arm SoIlos,,Wissakera, uget IRobe4 SBoUf, s*b.mat- ~Deh, prtis Llndq's'va i 0:2 <Snleeou b Ptto log , fum rag . Ers A en et fTh rn irsp ace. l~ Strauss, Jon' alete. Mi Henieat Brurhafrn, ewgTOerO9 - Cox.Jean osner TallBasse. Fia

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