grain ru the chnig tiie A fact worth repetitionis that Girl Scouting has ,directly influenced the lives of. more than 1,500,000 grow- ing girls since its inception 'twerity- five years ago. Today it is recognized as an agency 1dal adapted to the recreational and educational needs of girls,. TROOP 1 Troop 1, the high school troop of Wilmette, had a potluck, supper on. Thursday,ý February 18, in the ýlovely Scout rôom of the Methodist church, in hoitur of Marilyrn Prussing's birth- day. There-welre thirteen girls pres- ent beside the leader,* Mrs. Osburn,. and fier lieutenant, Frances Haskins. Every one bad a grand time with ornly regret that' our lieuttant, June Moore will.not he with us any more because she is attending a night school.-Eugenia Church, Scribe. member.. Pack Two- Mrs. Sprague Chapin, Brown Owl, Mrs. John Starrett,' Tawny Owl; Mrà. A. W. Farrall, Mrs. Henr-y Tanner, -Mrs. . L.U Hi4rtmn, paockce- mIttee memubers. Pack IThree--Mrs. Rarle Lyon, MISs Betty Murdock, Brown owi and Taw- ney; Chairman, Mrs. W. R~ Everlham; Mrs. F. H. Camphausen, Mrs. J. C. Mc- Manuse and Mrs, L. C. Torrey. Pack.Four-Mris. Barry Adier. Patrol Leaders 'r'roop One-Frances Bickhamn Helen Clark, Nancy OHarra. TrÎoop Two&-Joan Duncan, Cora Mae iMet"Mbachb, Bettv Williams, Doree Hamn- 'lroOp 'Jhree-Jacqueiine. Prince, Mar- gerviHalzh, Jane Rush;more. Troop Four-Mary Lamb, Gfloria Crain, Mary Elizabeth Carpenter. Troop Five - Anita Turk, Rosemary Haildorson, Lois Peterston. '1'roop Six-Frances MeCandlish, Lois POT ROAST Au B.hfcet Ci Ib23,c, LAMB ROuST. uenuine ipring, Jioneles KolIed.. Jar Mint Jelly Free. 45,2' to 6 Ibs. avg., lb........... CORNED BEKt'. Palace Quallty Boneless27 , Brisket, lb . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . I RLOe CLUB e ORTERNOUSE Young and Teunder ~~~OINSTEAK ILb.25c1 S AND AWARDS adges and awards committee ýto report much progress. . .. e e. e. .... inem Nil.& a fiittee., Troo taiin : ,-ornnuttee. Scrbe-setty Jean ing. Troop Five -. Miss Elizabeth cantain; MisasAlÀison Burge and p coin- citizensni our new scap- given se, , troop 'girlsit Mould- many int( Bubism, whii 1 Winin 1 ne is- LE. we ions to tell the e journalist test Ys about journal- qualified to do. that things are d we hope they 30. t C. Jackson, 1 STEAK.. STEAK .... *lPac White Mt- ....No. % tins 125e -Mona eh R.dL-1 ...No. 1 taîl tins 33c S-Yacht Club- ....4ÔOtiny fish 12C sas