mer. The: Scoutmasters of the North Shore.Area council met last' Monday eve ning at County Line barbecue on Waxikegan, road. A good representa- tion 'fromn the area was on hand to discuss program features as affecting. ali of thc troops of the cucl Brieflythe s ib je c ts discussedl wvere: Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan for 1937. the mid-w-est,'first aid contest, the 'national jamnboree,,Carnp-0-Ree. training,, revisiori of -Scout require- ments, Golden Gloves party for Scout leaders, camp movies for parents nlights. ksix Ke nilu W"oma levin ili tioti ol pres d ofWii Othe w'ho \v are Mif charge of the meeting. At its meetings, the council, does such things as planning troop hikes, planninz' the next troop meeting, and passing on. any other business vital to the troop, at -the time.. It. also makes plans for special events such as patrol contests, and preparinkg for contests with other troops. Everyboy ,inih toop is repre- sented by his patrol -leader, and ,can, if ie' wants, have a thing brought up before the council. ,In this way things are run, more or less, as thie majority of the boys ;want tbem to be run. Hôly COmnforter> :Guilds Plan Meets r eRi u u dav, MNareh 1, is the nextiwett-:RIVk'cÛ av for the six guilds of the RVR CÙ Il of the Holy Comforter -. itor, Wnmmmrt Lit: iort. Te fie gilds~ ~ Have you ever told a lie to a coi) or n *S auxiliary have recently a traffic judge? Well, GeorgeWah nîcreased to six by the organiza- uigton didn't ! 0f course, there were ithe Griswold guild under the ' i cop% or traffic judges daY' clcv of Mrs. Edmrard Uhlemann lbut there are in- ours. This is one nnletka. reason whiv the Nem, Trier Drivers' club \vas fornied-to find out and rOfficurs of the ncw guild. understand s;tate. city, and villagze '-i1I serve Nvith MNfrs. Uhlemann. traffc law\s so, that we, the youinger CAZfL.'s LOTION 35cl 43e MALT fihIed et Salder - Cazel: Drug Co.. and1 Ridge Mve. Pharmacy are, sure t. b. jusi. what yoür doctor, or- dered. No substflutig With infefior >grades of d r u g s.- Safe., accurete moesurementis by relis- Colu a .. 'WS aaa»s ear as - 7W plions se PO-,'8. 3e ne Wild]RO 25e boitti of Dren, Shampoo with 35e Italian BaIm. dav at the homle oft Mrs. Atinieail. 100 \\ocilie avenue.,\Vilmiette. The guilds mill nieet at Il o'clocl, for sei ig. and luricheonl will be .served. The Anderson guild will ii 'cet with Nfrs. George S. Salisburyý of 229 Essex road, Kenilwvorth, and the Chase guild ,%ith MNrs. Williani 'Y. Kinnev, 120 Abingdon avenue' Ken ilmwortlh. (Iay I'ebruarv 22. We tlîspensed witaî the businiess and discussecl the travel ini Washington's day and in ours. The pul)licity commnittee annouinced sever- ai trips that wvi1l be taken bv the whole grotip. Onie is a trip to the mod- erniized auto shop at Newv Trier. An- nther. is a tour of the Ford assemiblv plant in South Chicago. Another tour \vIil be of the Chicago Motor club's driviti tests, to be held at New Trier 1IOc Nomzma Cream Soap 50e Nomzma Skin Cream den avenue andcI ~ iieton February cm hall, Baha'i Mrs . David Park, 615 Elmv rorship, at Lin- avenue, entertained her cont dan road. Wil- bridge club at luncheon Wedne! at 3 :3Oo'clock. of this week.