Marene Dietrichi and Charles Isoyer, and~~' fldenirely in techniclor, sched- anlmed or-:tsThursday, to be îollowed by antherin the series of fine. thrillers featuring Warner Oland. as. the great Charlie Chan, on 'Priday and, Saturday, the Wilniette theater begins a week of outstanding pictures. "Tbjree Men >on a Horse," the poplar râce-track comedy, which was taken faithfully >f romn the stage production, maintains its hilarious- pace1 with ýits amusing situations throghout its en- tire Iength. 'The directingof Mervyn LeRoy is discreet. and the rotes have, been well-handled. Leading, parts ýare taken by Frank 'McHugh, Allen Jenkins, Joan Blondeli, and Guy Kibbee. McHugh is the numb- skull who writes. pretty. verses on greeting cards and picks iorses as a pastime. He's lured f rom home by gamblers wbo discover bis phenomenal ability to select the winners, and they're aided by blond vamp joan Blondeil. "One Way Passage." with William4 Powell and Kay Francis, will be the' feature attraction at the Wilmette1 theater on Wednesday and Thurs-1 day 'of xext week.1 gui. co ne s n ust iuw a Uîiage tourna- ment, where lie wins (a) the toùnainent, (b) the girl, (c) four cows. 1The re's a laugh a..minute -in this littie coniedy, "AIIll-American Chump " which is to be the attraction at the Vfalencia theater on Thursday and Friday of this week. Leadimg parts are taken by Stuart Erwin, Robert Armstrong, Ed- mund: Gwenn, and Betty Furness.. "Dangerous Crossing" will be the Va-* lencia's feature film on Saturday. A vagabond troubador assumes the rcsponsibility, of iooking after a young girl and b er grandfather and, finally marries a. social worker and settles donwith bis ready-mnade family. There are many utnusual angles and careful direction, catcby songis, and a goëd cast in this Valencia attraction, "Pennies f rom Heaven," a higbly entertaining filmn whieh will be seenon &mday and Monday. Directed by Norman McLeod, the cast includes Bing Crosby, Madge Evans, Edith Fellowes, and Donald Meek. Ail in natural colors was "Garden of Allahi," the Selznick picture with M1arlene Dietrich and Charles Boyer. filmed. It will be seen at the Valencia theater next Tuesday and Wednesclay. IFebruary 1! jNomie," for F. Toatro del Lago February 19'and 20ý-"Reunion," for F. February 21, 22, 23-"Theodora Goes Wild,"L for 'A and Young A. 1February 24 and 25-2The Charge of the, Light Brigade," for (mature). Wilmette The&ter February 19 and 20-"'Charlie Chan at the Opera," for F. February 21,l 22, 23--"Three Men on a Horse," for A.. Febru ary 24 and 25-"eNigbt Wait- ress," for A. TO RACE HOSEO Bing Crosby will race 10 of his racing horses at Santa Anita during the next meeting. Crosby will be working in "Waikilci Wedding" at' the time and expects to, divide bis time between racetrack and studio. Fr1., Bat., Feb. 19-20 D.... Quitupets J... Hmoeolot Featuré Starts at 7:45, .9:55 Starts Saturday at 2:20, 4:20, 6:20, 8:20, 10:20 Sun., Mon, Tues., Wed, Fe. 21-24 Ireo eDum. - Melvym Douglas Feature Starts Sunday at 2:20, 4:20, 6:20, 8:20, 10:20 Thurs., Fr1., Bat. Olivi. eavUa Major iowoa' "Amateur Para&" Feature Starte 7 :36, 10:05 ,rts 2:16, 4:46, 7:*15, 9:50 elt ianto, Dr. Luke, w' the world.. Picture Delayed by Sickness of Tiree Recording for the forthcoming bis- torical musical "High, Wide and -Hand'nmp" h be directed by A'f ast moving comedy W:uh cast. is "'The Srnartest Girl in -which is scheduled for the' theater on Tbursday and Frida: week. A beautiful model - marry only for money but fina love as well. finids MATINEE DAILY Mo. t Sat 5C 1:30 t. 6:30 p"'* 25c Eves, Su@.. Hol. ThLuradi I