Thie two-dlay session at the Pal- muer House iil have as, its key- note, "The> Public, Personnel Issue- Froni, Opinion - Making .to PoiÏtical,<Actioi.e" Distinguished officiais and citizens. >Who. have. advocaLted the establish- ment of a government career, service, will contribute to the. program. . A partial list of the. speakers iniclude John G. ~, iant.t chairmian, Social Security. board, Harrv B. Mitchell, l)residenti, United States Civilî Serv- De Haven Phi ice commission;. james K. P ollock. MIs Noriiion C. Deno is chair- professor. of political Science, Univer- sitv of Michigan. Paul J., en n»o ecad al o h nxfh)eNW ,York City Civil. .'v- Ace commission:; is Marguerite M. slaged at the Woilani's club of Wil. Wells, presideit,, Nat ional League of Illetfi, Felirlary3 23, 24, and 25, Women Voters; Carter Atkins,' di- >no>>I'I,,q y.affterioo;', and cecning. rector of Governmenta! Research in- : stitute, St. 'Louis; Clarence A. hýprb le1 Sfl?-itd fr7atten7d the Dykstra, city manager of Cinicin- 1eîVe;it wItI, ifs displays, liincieons, nati; .IHenry P. Chandler, president, dioners, and ba.aar. Chicago Civil Service association, Miss Grace Abbott, professor of pub- lic welfare, Uive~rsity of Chicago; Marshall E. Dimock, also of the Uni- Announce Next Program versity of Chicago; Henvy F. Hub- bard, assistant director, Civil Service for N. S. \Voman's Club assemnbly of the United States, and Canada; Henry L. McCarthy. region-1 Mrs. Frank Portnin. hairnan, 9.:30,arn to.S5:30 pm Saturdays 930a.m. 1 9 pem. oto EDGAR A.ý STEVENS. nc. mL0DÊc4, 1147. Wime te Avenue Phone Wilmeffe 340 -Ill its long fighit for establishment of the merit system ini public service appointments, League leaders," they announce, "have found great eni- couragemen.t in the 'constructive ad- vanice' made b.y the recent recoin- menatinsof the President for the federal service. The Chicago con- ference aims to focus-special atten- tion ou the personnel administrative 111:30 o'clock In thIle mor-ning. For the afternoon prograin i Ji Edwards, radio .and platform star, wiII give a lecture recital.' Her subject will be 'Personality Pointers." Robert Kess- in fiais Listy BUICK CADILLAC CHEVROLET CHRYSLER DE SOTO DODGE DUESENBERG. HUPMOBILE LA SALLE PACKARD PIERCE ARROW PLYMOUTH STUDEBAKER Mrs. W. W. Ramsey of C preside at a panel disi ".Patronage and, Political1 ), wiIl Freemai ýnon is the s.P -Sioux c Phione Wiimetka W6 :y Gr ~to, I