*cumbent, .1096, Cherry street, Win- netka. Sup e r-vi so r.-;Mrs. Gertrude' M.. Thurston, incumbent, 544 Chestiult street. Winnetka. Town Cleïk--Margaret S, Pierson, inc'umbeit,, 804,Forest avenue, WiI- mnette.. Scëhool Trv~stee->Rnbert, W. WaIeý, 480 Sheridan road, Win.netka. Highway Commissioner-Lloy.d C. Avers, incumbent, :3035, Lake avenue,, Wilmette. justices of theý Pe.ace. Five to be ýelected- For Glencoe--Jamnes K. CaIhoun,, incumbent, 740 Greenwood -avenue, Glencoe. For Winnietka-Ralph E. Sinsbei- mer, incumbent. 935 Spruce street. Winnetka. For Kenilworth-David E. Elmgrin, 551 Brier.street, lýen1'vorth< For Wilmette-D, M. Mickey, in- cumbent, 1523 Walnut avenue, WiI- mette, and George F. Scherzer, .2135 Thornwood avenue, Wilniette. Constables. Five to be elected- For Glencoe-William J. Oman, 391 'Adams street,. Glencoe. For Winnetka-Clarence Schafehen, incumbent, 1210 Willow road, Win- netka. r-~ Vt:i.,-.,-G1,Alfred A. i-Wmnetka - offer you a coniplete variety of Va.ncy lce 'Cream MloIds PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED Kaufmann & Frabryý Photo: Arthusr John >Hiighesi, 5C7 Wash- ingtoin aVeniuc, Wilinette, presient of the National Notre Damte Alwin- ni association, zeiIl be the speaker ne.xt Tuesday evening at the mieet- -ing of OuiImee oueil, J4sigkUs of Columbus, to be held in the akditoriin al 1010 Central avenue. Hughes, an attorniey ini Chicago, will speak eDame Movement with of- on "The Against weeks( with 42, 49c *Tortonî lt*e Cream g aspberry Tee Heart Center V.h Semwb.uy la. Cna * . Vué Plaseppi. 's. Ihan 4an.T RuIk Plum. Pudding... ..........Qat5 1237 Green Bay. Road 749 ÉIni Strçet League's Personnel of democ Frederic 0. Mason, 857 Ash street, crusaders Winnetka, is president of the league, rect Court and Max W. Zabel, 1247 Chestnut to combal avenue, Wilmette. is secretary. Mrs. and urge Esther Dunshee Bower, 1216 Asbland bers, in a avenue. Wilmette, is treasurer. There o our cour in more mi vith this w( àarge for roau, was arri VeL'i request. of Lakce counl ficeIrs, and later turne He is a former insui is charged with embe ia; o>- un them. 12 0'( i, .and duct miss WiL 477 l, wilI charge