Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1937, p. 44

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Euvanston., and Nrth Shore alumnae ,of Kappa Alpha Theta will meet Wednesday, February 17, at the',home of Mrs. ýW. M. Branch, 422 Abbottsford road., Kenilworth, for a1 one. o'clock lUnCheon' and, book review Pro'- gram, Mrs. Henry G. Zander, Jr.,, will dis- cuss "0f Lena Geyer," by ari Davenporti daughter 'of Alma Gluck and "The Street of the -Fishing Cat," the prize-winning novel in interna- tiona:l competition, by Jolan Foldes. Mrs.'Thomas B. M cMartin of I'in- netka, chairnian of the luncheon com- mittee, will be assisted by M rs. George, Sanborn Smith andMrs, Duncan 0. Welty of 1Evanston, anid Mrs. Lawrence E. Mitten. and Mrs. William C. Henning, of Winnetka. At a meeting of the executive board last -Friday at the home of Mrs. Richard F. Norton of Evanstorj with the president, Mrs. H. A. Morrison. presiding, appointments were made to the nieîbership and calling commit- tees. ton £VIFS O I . * av . flan- s..s.,,01 Winnetka and>,Mrs. James M. Ken- nedy of iighland Park. Mrs. Joseph Eliff of Winnetka is general chairinan of the calling coni- mittee for suburbs north of Evanston. Her assistants are Mrs. W. S. Horst- iug for Wilniette, Mrs. Walter wiIl hold its fourth anntzal card party! and fash ion show February 19, at the Edgewater Beach hotel for the bene- fit of the chàpter, house fund- Al types of daytime and evening wear for the, college girl and. her mother, too, wilI be shown, the latter to be mnodeledý by professional mannequins- and the former by members of the organization. An attendance of five- hundred is expected. The xnany prizes w M. include one for each table, and fa vors willi be provided. Weod' is staging, the fashion show. The event, at 8 o'clock at night, has, for its p'eneral chairman. Mrs. Casimer A. Benowitz of Chicago. Fashion show co-chairmen are Mrs. .NK. Cain and Mrs. John Parks. of Chicago. mis Mary IouLoe agaru and Miss Florence Baasel of Chicago and Miss, Dorothy Md-hr and Miss Elma Larsen of Evanston, head the prize committee. Miss Helen E.geland of Chicago is chairman of table arrangements, and Miss Lor- raine Burkland, Miss Gertrude 'Muel- ler, Miss Marie Federico, Miss Ade- line Sigwvalt, and Mrs. Frank Denton of Chicago form the ticket commit- tee. 4941 cago, vice-president; Mrs. Ri B. Bergren of Chicago, social man and Mdiss Marie Schroed Fvansýton. prograrn, chairman. Aids Phi Oeta Tec the Winmette rarish Metlod copal church are holding next week. -D ilvision III will mneet February 16, .at' 10:30. o'clo home'of Mrs. Harry Smoot, Irai avenuie. Luncheon will1 at hoon, and the day will bt ,sewý%ing. Assisting the- hostes Mrs. Edward Hoffman, Mrs. Ives, Mr. s., H. G. Taylor,' M H-arrison, and Mrs. Charles Division IV will have 1ar sewing session at the, home H. M,%. Rose, 1231 Gr.eenwooÈ on *MVonday, February 15.* ivili sew for the, Lake Bluff age, and' it is hoped that ai Co-hostess tNith Mrs. Rose Mr,. Thomas M.\cCopnell. Eastern Star Activity A pot luck dinner will pre next meeting of Wilniette Order 'of the Eastern Star1 15. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Lundino Caroline I. Converse will be at a luncheon and bridge Farwell avenue, Wednesday, patron, serveci as associate patron. The matron of Pentalpha chapter, Evanston, Mrs. 'Dorothy Whitchurch, and several past matrons and patrons were present. Arthur G. Bloomi, patron, and his wife, have the sympathy of our chap- ter in the untimely death of their daughter, Elinor, Jannary 28. *Wil- dist £4135- meetings Tuesday, ck at the 90-1 Cen- to Have Library Tea This Sunday Mrs. Harry Wells, 1936 Sheri- dan road, Evanston, îs open ing her 'home on- Sunday,' February 14,' f rom, 4 to 6, for the annual , h-m e sentinbrary tea sponsored by the-Asý- ss will-be sociate Alumnae of Northwest- S*. Cliff ord icm University. Ail women of the. fiss Clara Un iversity,> their husbands an d Walton. ýn all-day fins r nie oteta eof Mrs. which is a silver offering tea for d& avenue the. libraries of Rogers and Ho- Members. hart houses -and Chapin hall. f » orphan- Mrs. Alfred Wiltberger of IKenil- .11 attend. worth is chairmnan. Qof the> library Will he committee and 'has secured Dr. Bergen Evans 'of the English de- partment of the university to give a short add4rèss. 1le hâsanôunéd lits subject, "Babes and Sucklings." There wiIl also be music furnished by a trio eced e the froni the school of music. Mrs. WVilt- chapter, berger has askcd the following to' February Pour: Mrs. Theodore Koch, Mrs. Edson B. Fowler, Mrs. Rober t and Mrs. Wooden, Mrs. Robert Blessing, Mrs. host Arthur Swanson, and Mrs. George aot esses E -Paddock. Febru- Mrs. Paul Cuumins. is ini charge woia, .vrs. Joseph Swan, 1Mr.s. tti- ward Twerdahl, and Miss: Bettv Fisher. Mrs. D. flligh Grasett of \\Wiinetka is president of the A-ss)ciate aluînnae. Magician to Entertair, irman, lias secure( aftemnoon Carl Si ýtent upon.the ex ~m commitee. T Place at the home of, f n Wilmette.. mvent gs Jane mVAL. .JAAMOD1 avenue, ' M.W.J. ,en by anfair. joe Rudolph and his ,entrai will provide the m-usic, and.1 3-tainnient for the evening w - nounced at a, later date. enter- be an.-

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