Silver Tee on Valentine's Day Phi Beta Benefit A Phi 'Beta Valentine silver tea will be given, February 14, at 4.0', at the home of is Jane Moisti 104 Sheridan road, Wilmette. The affair wll bene-, fit the national endowment fund of PhiBeta, fraternity of miusic and drama.. The.1program of the, afternoon will b)e given by Phi'Beta artists, as follows: Cýoncerto in A minor ~ re Adagio and Cadenza Eulaliaý Kober Stade. Pianlst Daphné Jeanne DeLamarter' Glass Beads Jeanne DeLamarter. Spripg, Mood -Jeanne DeLamarter Ili Group of original poerns to be read by the poet, Jeanne Del-amarter. IV Pierrot ............ .... .....Samuels Twllight. .... ........ ....... Rummel Ohie-Neneche . ........ .... ..Gianfini Mary Catherine Collins Alnme Gallup iReani, accoTnpanist Valse Triste....... ... . . ... Sibelus L.a Cathédrale Engloutie... DebussY, .Bolero -ae -Miss Clara taas,mm içS. fl. >cne£ and Miss Moist, of Wilmnette; publicity. -Mrs. Russell Gessel of Winnetka, Miss Frances Lee and Miss Margaret Nelson of Evanston. 1Mrs. Randolph .Bohrer of Evanston, president of theclub, will welconie the guests. The next regular meeting of the Fort Dearborn chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution is Monday, 1 Feruary 15, at 2 o'clock,, at; the Evanston Wonian's club.he speaker for the afternoon is Miss- Caroline Mcllvaine, whose subject is '"One-, hundreci Years of Beauty in Chicago." A native Chicagoan, Miss Mclvain-ej wa.s director of the Chicago Histori- i cal, .Society from 1901-1926.: SIe 1 "dan interpreter of pioneer, background ý:of. Illinois to citizens of tomorrow." I She also serves as guide on locatin historic spots, marking, and dedicat- ing theru. Miss- Mcllv aine act .s as consultant in starting wayside. mu-* seums and lôcating historical socle-.! -Mrs. Charles P. Reynolds, regent and progratn chairman, Mrs. Sherman B. Orwig will introduce the speaker. Tea will be served by Mrs. Earl. J. Cooper, who is social chairman, and by lier co-chairman, Mrs. Hrer-' bert Ewing. Mrs. Gaîr Tourtellot and Mrs., Williami P. Bisseli will preside at the tea table. 542 Brier street, Kg home to a large Sunday afternoon O'clock. group of f romi 4 'i Book Review Bernie Photo Miss Dorothy Andersen, 44 Lo- cust road, Win.netka, ïvMi be one of fourteen mannequins for the fashion show to be .held at the Ezvifston Woman's club Wedn.esda.y, MIarcli 3, by the Fin, of (Lake Bluff weeat Cliflord G'regory WiII friends until 7 Speak on Co-Operalives Prairie Fariner and v-ice-p)residlent of the ,Igricultural Broadcasting. coin-, panyv (WLS), will speak on "Can America Look ta Consumner Coopera- tivesi-" bef are the Cook County League of Wornen \'oters, on Satur- dav. February 13, at the Palmer to Present, Review for Ben'efit Party For'those who d o aeto play, cards at the benefitl card party and fashioný show to be' held at the Evanston Woman' club on. Wednesday afternoon. .March 3, bytheFriends-of Lake Bluff Orphanage , arrangements have been made for Mrs. Janies S., Harvey, to p resent a criticaI review ýof',Noel Coward's latest publication, "Tonight at 8:30."l Mrs. Harvey, well known on . the north shore for',ber reviews of cur- retbooks, is chairman'of the litera- ture departienit of the Rogers Park Womnan's club. 1 Thértiecets, for the, befit have been selling very rapidly. The club can accommoclate between 700 and 800 guests, and last week the con- m if)e charge had sold and re-, ceived the money for reservations which would more than haîf fill the clubhouse, according to Mrs. Vilas Johnson of Wilmette, the president of the oganization and' the general chairman of the party. Mrs. George R. Blackburn has co-chairinan of the ticket committeeý anid serving with them is Mrs. H4arry W. Chronquist. Mrs. Kenneth IH. Brush 'bas been made chairnian cf refreshmnents, '*with Mrs. Brower Munroe as -co-chairmanl. OnIy Famiies to Be plan to visit' Florila before réturning home, sailing f rom Vera Cruz to M)am;. of tis week for thie aei >orietns,%of thse Womon's c toon i<redierick J. Newey, 4'tU aKe venue. MlJVI Uuse guest Mrs. Moc de- The assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Mrs. A. C. Parsons of olie Frank Scheidenhelm, Mrs. Arthur N.,'Y., who arrived' this wi Howardl, and Miss Alice Wheelock. ten-day, visit on thenohs have as -e's aulit, [amburg, *k for a: ore,. ýý