worau-tamrous vilOllflst wno wîiI ap- pear here in the New Trier. Higli school auditorium Monday evening. Fébruari.r 15P under-the sponsorship of the Winnetka'Artist Recital series. Spalding .Was borni in Chicago of well-to-do parents. He inherited muclh of his musical genius f rom his mother, Who was for a long time a soloist with the Chicaga Symphony. orchestra under Theodore Thomfas. At seven he began playing the violin and-later bhis principal teachers were Chiti,-the -famnots Florentine master, Buitragoý in New York, and Lefort.it1 Paris., * Given Highest lHonora Wben he graduated from the Hologniaconservatory at'fourteen he received the highest honors. ever ac- corded anlyone since Mozart, anÀI made his professional debut in Parts with Adelina Patti at the Chalet. His American'début was made at Carnegie Hall, New York, as soloist with the New York Symnphony orchestra, Wal- ter Damrosch, conductor, with which organization lie appeared afterwards over forty times. Since then, lie lias appeared' withi great success in prac- ticaily. every civilized nation of the universe where music plays an im-t portant p)art in the national ife of the people.. Andrey 4egoz'jq,. tei4w crmiv ally alaoits guitarist, will be pre- se» ted in, concert by Hart-y Zeizer at Orchestra Hall, Sunda.y after- nooni, Febr-uary 14. It was Segovia who took this instru- nment that for centuries bas been used mostly for romantic accompaniment to the serenade, or the strumming ally to a solo, from that class to a solo inistru- ment of concert stage tlignity. ~~t4 -Of molo concerts' a season in Europe. _______________ While stili a comparatively young man, he has made an enviable reputa- A loM sclC u tion for himself as a composer. He hâs pu uiclCu this credit over'sixty violin comi- to Present Oratorio positions, twenty-five piano numbers, "Rut" zvext< uesday ,thirty songs, four chamber music u j quartets, four orchestral compositions When the Apollo MfusicalI club ýof and endless transcriptions and ar- Chicago presents. Georg Schumann's rangements. dramatic Oratorio "Ruth," Tuesday - J~~~% llAAgopre ier in rVebruary, ___________________ Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Sbattuék 1910, and bas since included it' in its of 755 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe, extensive repertoire. The perform- entertained the members of the Ken- ance of February 16 wiIl be the sixth ilwortb.eein bridge club Tuesday. presentation, of :"Ruth" by Chicago's evening. oldest musical organization. W M N M LCO T NOOR I