Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1937, p. 32

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enrollment of Skokie scIIool, Vi Ufetka, Wil Uc hieard in the seventli annual winter concert to be presented by the choral orgaizations of the' scbool in, jane. Kuppenheimer Memorial hall, at 8:15 o'clock !Friday evening, February 12. Law- rceYging, supervisor, of ýmusic, will con- duct the concert, anid thirteen-year- old Marjorie Beach will be. the accompanist. Incidental accom- paniments will be supplied on the. double, bass by Donald Alf vin. Among the various groups participating in. the program wilI be an a cappella chorus of 175 girls, a boys' choir of 75 voices, the Madrigal club, and the GIee club. The music to be Sung dates f romn 1600'to theý present, anidlopensÉ with ýcarols and sacred music by William Byrd. Revereéd by his' contemiporaries of the, sixteenith centu1ry as England's leading nxusicianl, le was also highly respected in Itaiy. and France. The sole license to print and seli music an-d music paper was jointly held- by Byrd The works of Henry Purcell, represent-ed on the program, consistfed of anthemis, incidentai music- for thie stage, and opera. His compositions are distinguishied by the introduction of mass* choraleffects as opposed to the contrapunltai- style previôusly employed. "Sacerdotes Domini"..... ............. William Byrd :'An Earthly Tree, -A Heavenly Fruit". . William Byrd "Rejolce! Rejoice !" ........... William Byrd Madrigal Club ",As-k if Yon Damask Rose Be Sweet". .Geor-ge Handel "'Vhere'er Vnh- Walk"- ......... Hafldel in Jane Marjorie Vi;jlsl) 'o~4br-4 f.ii t -f- 1 in Winetkci, zwif i direct the 1 winter concert to be presen-ted by ran-Lzftions of the school on Frida y uary 12. The concert tecill be' held pe*hciiiner AMenorial -haPll; wïth h -as accompanist.- New York Cuitic citai, which lie -wi1 preseiit Monday evening,. Felb-iiary 15. at, NeW Trier High school urider the aus pices of the Artist Recital comrnittée f the. Xinnetka Music clu;b. Mrs. Roland D. Whitman Of> Winnetka is chairmnan of the committee. The famous instrument, completed in ýthe'year 172bv Antonlus, Stradivarius, was for- many years owned .by 'the renowvnèd violini.st, Artot.. Later' it caméne. mb the. possession of Fallon de. Rinucinni, first prize winner a tý the Paris c on- servatory.. In. 1842 the La Font family of. France I)ought, the coveted violin. His programri on the Artot Stradivarius nx week, in addition to sonatas by Han.del and Beethoven, Will include the wvorks, of Turina,. Sarasate, anidseveral of bis owýn'composit.ions,: As a Composer. Spald.ing lias writtcn over sixty violin numbers, twenty-five piano selections,.thirty songs, and numerous' traniscriptions and arrangements. Althougli borni in Chicago, Spalding spends Most of his time, when flot on tour, betwveen his Talleyrand castle at Florence, Italy, which he inherited from his father. He is on the board of directors of the sporting goods firm -hils uncle founded, is an expert tennis player, and for many- years wvas amnateur boxing champion -of the State of Massachusetts. - Iis complete program, next, Monday evening, with Andre Benoist at the piano wil1 be as follows: Solita iii E.............Hande! Adagio-AlIlegro-Laýgo-Alegrýo Sonata, Op. 30, No. 2 - Beethoven IV- "Little Heather Rose"----------.-F'ranz Sehube "'Who Is Sylvia?" ......1........... Franz'Schube "Cradle Song" ...............Franz Schube "'Night and Dreàamýs"-----------Franz Schube Choir 0o Bone .lesu"......... ..... .Johannes Brahn "To Us Salvation NKow Is Conie"... Johainnes Brahii "0 Savior, Open Ifeaven Wide-. .Johannes Brahn "The Voice of Spring"----------Johannes Brahr rt the Evanston Woman's'club. The -lecture will be 1-uCancion del Lunlar (Soilg of rt open to the public at-a small guest fee. EluRosarionen laIlesi at ins rt Mr. Brown has become1 a sensation in the lec- Elh Rosar en .ain church -ture field in the east, and his reception by the I - li Evanston Drama club was equally enthusiastic,- Prelude (Wind in the Pines). 'lis so mnucli so that hie has been asked to return this Study nArego li year. - ---Plece en forme de habanera....... ns ie is the author of four notable books on the Jota navarra ............ I- theatre. and because -of the latest. "The Art of the Dimple> Albert Spaulding Albert Spaulding Ravel -Sarasate ranged by Mrs. Willam C. Miller of Glencoe and are sponsored by the civics'-department of the -Tenth district of the Illinois Federation of Wom- en's célubs. Mr., Holloway sings bass aind -is, a *v till 1.t 1 V. 4 1,S. Our-ittlD, I Song of the Flea" by-1 rt-nin' Bread" by Jacques Wol by Franco Leoni. ,ussourgsky, aýnd "Tally. The 1Evalston Draina- Mason Brown, drainatic E7,en ;'ig Post, i a jec Woiina's club at 8:30 o' Febrruary 23. This is a Mr., Brown. tire at thie Ev-ansi dlock Tuesday even-t' retura engagement

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