aoom t. I. la tins fer PuREVENTION The kidaap murder of a.smnall boy at Lombard is bringing that sort of cietoo close, to homne. for comfort. If caumes one to wonder in whicb quiet suburban. community some, fiendish. moron will strike next, and bring to an end -the life of some cherishéd boy or girl or helpless womnan. It will flot. do for we of the north shore, to sit idly and console, ourselves with the thought that 4it can't happen here," No doubt the villagers, of Lombard would have scoffeti at the suggestion that it might happen in their. community. But it diti happen, and nothing can bring the life of that boy back to his, dotjng foster-p.arents. Unpleasant as it is, the fact that there are poten- tial sex criminals at liberty in practicaIly every community cannot be denied. Instances corne to thie attention of the police, and occasionally com- plaints are filed and arrests matie. In some of these cases consitieration for parents or families of the guilty persons dictates a policy of leniency and the suppression, so far as possible, of the facts. In view of the alarming increase in the number of crimes of this nature. would flot a policy of pro- dom and the opportunity to .yied to some vîcious, impulse that might leati to a repetition of the Lom- bard tragedy. Local police shoulti keep a close watch over persons of known tentiencies toward sex crimes. A' ,w Trier Illunôi ot.uflty and rrobate judges assc meeting in conventionl, endorsed thie meti paused a resolution, addressed to thie effects of the. plan, and there should be no opposi- tion to. its adoption for the entire state. Why shoulti the,voter in a small 1 or rural communfity .offer objections to being permnanently registered in bis voting. precinct, andi thus being relieved of reg- istration worrits as long as he remains a résident of that precinct? If, as has been shown, it con- ,tributes to honest elections, no citizen shoulti hesi- tate. to ehdorse it, andi lend his full aid: toward mnaking iti100 per cent effective. ON DEMOCRACY ,Dr. Alexander J. Stotidard, chairmpan of theedu- cational policies commission of the National Edu - cation association, asserts that the public schools. of the Uniteti States have an obligation to main- tain the principles of delnQcracy andit encourage support of the political philosophy of the nation. Warning against' untier-,teaching~ democracy in "9our eagerness to make sure that ail forms of gov- ernment have a fair hiearing," Dr. Stoddard stateti that a major objective of any nation's schools shoulti te "to so educate the people that they will uptierstand anti support the political philosophy that tienoinates that particular nation." the Unitedi States was subjected to a wave of c'riti- cismi. Its chief critic was none other than the third President of the then very young nation- 'Thomias Jefferson. nteresting are the facts sur- rountiing that situation. "Jefferson was an ardent 'states' rights' man. He opposeti extension o! federal powers, andi fol- vot- "Newspaper men end 2-day parley on social thie security act," read'a recent heatiline, and in the ion, story the chairman saiti that tRie, session was de- andt> voted exclusively to an exchange o!f views. W.e1l, ieral what else could thie poor fellows do about it ? by visiting the accident ward ofthte County 'nos- pital and the morgue. Moving promptly to dis- charge the obligationthe ypung man visited the hospital -and gazed with unconcer n upon the mnan- gleti forms of auto accident victims. Proceecling to the morgue -he was told 'that he coulti. not be, admitted. "Why?" asketi the young mian."O account tihere is a %u eidemnic." "Protecting the inhabitants of- the mortgue, eh?" inquired the, young man. A,.faith healer, was s hotto death in E.ast St. Louis, 111,, last week. It takes a lot of faith to' make bullets ineffective. Words spoken by children ,can scarcely be classet as irreverent, even if, coming from an older person, they might properly be termed irreligious. lience we give this little home story of!-the 5-yeat-ol-d iboy whose greatest de sire was a snow storm. Santa Claus hav- ing been. extremely 'generous in the matter of sled, skates I and other appurtenances to outdoor play, the youngster i' could flot quite understand why there was no snow to- niake possible their use. Con>- plainingr tearfully to his disappointed .next mornîng tw nnd the grounu bare. Tolti again to niake his "wants and wishes known," he persevered. This kept up for several days. Finally one morning he was told by bis mother to go to the window and look out. This he did, to finti bis world enswathed in a blanket o! snow. Wide-eyeti, anti jumping up and tiown in his excitenient, he crieti: "Atta boy, JesusI Atta boy!" Yacu Elihu Root, great American statesman and diplomat, died early Sunday morning. We saw bum chauffeur a political steam ' roller in 1912, and be was simply superb. TEE PHANTOm iORTgai nascosny zor pubpucau mue smé hedlur by te curreat,'im!e.. v' .4 Al