Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1937, p. 22

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* table tennis teani lost its first match last Monday to the Wilmetté or- resters in, a -close and well Played mhatch* 12 to2 13. Ledby their captaîn, Gordon Wells, wbo won five straight -games, the Forresters won in spite 'of two of their opponients, George Thelen and Art Ciccihini, wbo won four games apiece. By good, playing, and. flgbt- iniz gamnely, the Community Center team held their own to the last game, when they were downed by the de- feat of Y. Ciccibini by Jerry Born of the Forresters.' Thée series now stands at one *match each. The rubber match, will be played, in the near future.. Sqare Dances Are Held on W-edsdays atCenter, Did you go to the old time square dance at the Community Center last Wednesday night? If .you 'didn't you. mi.ssed the .time of your life, savs Daniel M. Davis, director of récrea- lion. Guy Coiby was there with 'bis loud * speaker to cail the dances and eve'ry-. body had a good time. 'How about you married couples? Come on overý than usual. At, any. rate only a smnattering of. athietes were present at the Howard gymÊnasium atthe 'ap- pointed 'moment 'to. take part, in ,a thoroughly accredited "A" League basketball, game sponsored by the Playground and Recreat ion board of this homne port. At eight, beils. bowever. a couple dozen lads were oit deck quite anxious. to: be up and doing.- The WVilmette Walther league contingent had steeied .itself ior'ôoieof its nîost difficuit.. games. and, thev showed ini- creased poyer and basketball strategy throughout the first, haif of ,their battie with the WilmetteCofetn' ery. But ý*Ra' Raschke and 'ý\ild Bill, Horsting f rom the slWeet shop, finally bit their stride,' and socked ,brough , ive. and ixbJaskets re 'spectively. Mn. Paul Joues of Horst- ing-Jones Imc., stepped into the fnay for a few' minutes and made bis usua, twelve -point's or. so. Ail of this too mutch for the plucky WV. W:V.L and when the hour was tip the. Con- fectioners Iiad the garne bv a' 30 to 18 CoultL In the final garne,'the- Neh.,oin L-aundry. due to the ex.celient playing of "Yuitchi" Hardt, got the best of Eric Samnuelson oft tre Grate Dames was high scorer with 15 points., The. scores and team standings fol- low: . tnng Teain Won MNaple Leafs... ...... 2 Wacker -A. C. .........2 ète Dames..........2 N. T. fonechos........... 1 gre............... Lost 2 2 pet. 1.000 .666 .666 .666 .333 .333 .000, 1-raie »aissus u 1 warxer A. t.-28 Ful PITTI' FG FTI'P lay, t 4 2, 10 Werneke, f 2, O ý4 Sn'bon, f 7 i15à (*t;,rk.t' 3 0O 6 Scheibel. éc'i 2 Wýlliarns, c 1 0 2 Norton, g 5 »a 10 N' imoyle, g. I 0 2 (lesug3 O 6 Andrewsg, g 0 O 0 ,Jennings ,2 .0O4 Lingl 4 2 10 UtreWl ndlh.-ýcorer, Quirk 1..quIr':1, -N. T. Ponchos 2S F( FT T P FG.FT Tl' Gray, f. 4 4) 8 M ik'Is'ni, t 7 0 14 .Smith, f. I 0 2 Wolff,1f 2 O 4 .Moe, c 1 0 8 Conwa,e ? 15. VYites, g 2 1 5 Quick, g 1 O0 Norton, g 0 10 Fischer, g 1 1 3 l~frt., inde-corrR. Kent Earges :32 . Iillies 1' F('. Fi Tl' lHaIIiwell, f 1 1 Cloud. tN. O 1.. (reg'y, f' 2 2 1 11H1aas, f 0 , 4 N'ukrantiz, eO0O. Reagan, 0 I 'O C. G reg'y, g i140 women continue to corne ru ue rHow- ard gym to play badminton on. Mon-. day and Friday evenings. *Three courts. covering the entire area: of the gym floor are in amost constant use. The Playground an d Recréation. board bas linvested in mucb valuable equi pment to- insu ré maximum pla y- ing facilities. *Any one. wishing p rac- tice or desiring to learn the Rame, is invited to the H{oward gymn Mon- day and friday "eveninigs from 7 o'tclock on.. The only1 equipmenlt necessary to.play is a pair o f rub ber. soled shoes. as rackets, atnd "birds" are fUrnished for asmall fée. Handicraft Is Becoming More Popu1lir Every, Day Handicraft is becoming more popu-: lar every day day. Among the' more popular articles being made are painted paper plates. These plates when finished are surprisingly dur- able and useful, and what is 'more are very inexpensive. A set of 12 cati be 1made for 6 cents. Many boys are becotning interested in haridicraft m-ork. away several times to 'score for bis Secheibe 'Rosanna KngIs i'amed team I)y long shots. He dropped Mierak ta' couple' of free throws as well 'O to. ll, g Drama ChubPresident chalk up eigbt of bis' team's points. Referee The Dramatic club held its first The 22 to 17 win was the first for official business meeting of tbe year the Nelson Laundry in the second and elected officers: Rosanna King is round of the league. Led president. Marilyn Gaugh is vice Scores and tèam standings mnav be Heîîr3 president. The meeting 'was canried found below. -tîhe Ri( on in a. very parliamenta.ry order ~ Stanidings- 1f-; e, f '1 O 9N'n .esc O2 G.1 g' 4 0 8 W. 4Q8 io e, Windle-Seorer 44)pýL by the. ,moyle, 1, 4 O'S Hahn, c- 0 O O Hahn, g 01 1 01), g 0 O12 r, G<. R. Scheibeq .EAGUE Sharp shootiig' id Walter Schiuet ,rs handed the Gci at of the seas( tameomno 30 on N Perrs Ge $ Abrani Bet'gh'se, f 0 2 2 Davis,f Moore, f 2 1 5 Halletti Mulling, c 3 O0'6 Xyland I3owen, g 4 1 9 Orwig,1 D'Berard, g 2 0 4 Sackse 2 0 4 Referee, Wende-Scorer, Groucho,24 - FG FT TP Albrana iQ FIG PT P r, f 4 O 8 f 0 2.2 d, g 0 O00 19 0 0. P.kas per Pavr are beingt thè near futwi Mdoneein Evanston.- a 25 to 24 defeat. This'is 'the fitst j witb a team. f rom Oak time this season, and the second in tmade for a -match inu two years the Leaf s have been beateA.I e. :The ag1es~ beat. the Willies 32.-, t 10 ............. 0.zVUV .................. 2 OO,.Resulte ReulsT. N.T. 40 'HowardIl12 ~csuIsPO PT ~TP . FGPT TP lin's 22 X 11 Leaf, f 5 0 10' Lulias f 1 0 2 FG PT TP FGPT TP Davis, f 7 2 16 Carison, 0 0 0 r, f 6 0 12 H'nrichs, f 1.0 2 B'hikas, f 7 0 14 Cum',ings,f 2 0 4 nan, f 4 1 9' Kolb, f 2 0 4' Koena.n 0 0 0 H'm on, g. 1 0 2 ons, e o000Ifuck, c 0 0 O Kreusch, g 0Q0OO0Miller,.g 0. 0 0 1g 0. 0 0 Hutchins, g 3 0 E Wag, g OOOBra, 3on, g OOOY'gberg, g 1 e 2 Mnu 0 0 0 ree, Windle-.-Süojrer, Bub Bowen 1 Reteree, MÀon-ýScorer, Huck 4. i I 4 A I t

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