mnaxi Livingstofl include the tolloWlflg Americai Léegion- H.Kirke Becker, 368 Eider. Unxe, 1uea services were held on. Mon- W'finnetka ii hag f ikts *ý a tethe'Church of the HoIy Coml- Sampson in charge of rception and oreKnil*ortb,ý with interment cards; Chesley R. Perry, 272. Sylvira t Acacia park cemetery. A delega- road, Glenicoe, in charg e of decorations, tion .f rom tbe Legion, post fired. a and Dayton Keith, -1448 Lake Shore0 salute over the grave. drive, Chicago, ini charge Of "PublicitY.- Mr. Wilson is. survived by his Members of- il; ticket coxnmittee are: *idow, Mrs. Ruth Brown Wilson - Charles E. Timson, Deerfield; -P 'dugtr Drt by a son. E. Aldrich, 15ol1 Hinrnan avenue, Zva2ns- by a duheDrty- ton; RP. IL. Cook, 221 Dempster street William;- by bis mother, Mrs. v LEvanston W.-E HaUgheer, 828 Il- .Wso;by a: sister, *Mrs. Eva sIdeý place, Evanstofl jP. H. WllUB yuWloo ihgnCt.m. 59.9 -Woodlawfl avenue, Glencoe;llra W. n Wisn fMciaHiy n. Rietz. 275 ýWoodIaWli avenue, Highiafld and by ae brother, W. Royal Wilson. Park; o., Ë. Geppert,, 7Z65 Ninth street,_________ Wlhnette: . E. 'iUe, 1311 Green-, wpod, avenue, Willmette; H. R. Hedman, F te fK nlot 116 Fuller line., WInnetka. P. D. Fulton, V te.o eiw rf .-84 Hill 'rôad,. Winnetka; Robert W. Bruce, 514 gighth street, Wilmette; WToman Dies of Injury O. T. Ca.rpentier, 362 Hawthorne, lane, Wlnnetka- William C. Lancsweert,' 465o D. C. Ames, a resident of Wauke. N~orth Býàcù11 sttet, Ciao mi. gaÇ and- th.e . her of Mrs. -C. A. le. E. Vernor. 3000 North Sheridani road, Thorfien, 534 Melrose avenue Knl EldeK. Becker 368eka worth, passed away on Tuesday in Memnbers of the decorations commit- a Waukegan hospital of injuries sus tee are: tained recently in a f ail. F~uneral Mrs. George A. Yates, 713 Maclean services were to be held this Thurs- avenue, Kenhlworth; Mrs. J. G. Waters, day a"fternoon at 2 o'clock at thi 441Malden avenue, Chicago; Mrs. A. Wie-adTbncae i ak -W. EIngel, 4700 Dover street, Chilcago. WieadTbncae nWue Members of program and entertain- gan. Besides Mrs. Thorsen, th( survivîng children include: Mrs. W. S . e «%r wlll Tomsted, ?4uts speciai Bridge Mi2 lb. 79c Charberts DustIng Powder NewP, Distinlc- tive Scents $1.50 P« bo% L"utive Dvomo Quminno *» n e A l h a S t r . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 C n e Re m Cough R.inedy ...... .. 49 c' HiIs CgmaQu»Mme .. . ....3 vita-Rtay O w e al<Cmi .$1O $1»W i» of VIhileeefls.Crmssifre with .eci W âqasHn oin- .... 31c $100 Panuins Hm ,d creai.......89e $... Itairnu m . .... .. ...89c ,1.b.jar Chaflfis CoîCram..... ,1Squbs avit«d CM ..47 - . u, V'....a . . . ... . .89C 0 Beaut.ilY IY ,cago Carroll dan road. Hig Willy, 1315 0al Me;nbers of znittee are: MsC.N. ( soc n and cards com- EÉaSt H. 61 *Forest avenue, Evans tter, 1640 Sherwlfl wood a mR-rnold, Mund, Il413 Linden Avnu, - eie204 Central St. Telephone Wi1lmette 4120 Nvrsy40 ................... 1 .............