Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1937, p. 8

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TemperaTice uin', aa- -- hoe Thil soci. pbi a heard directly frmtoe phis svie:ty. y lber husband, who are, working to imaprove the 1 Charls W.Bickell, and by twO preent arbor conditions at i. - daughters Mrs. Olive Bickell Griffis, mette. of Lima, Peru: and, Mrs. Charlotte However, -this dôes flot1 mean that t Bickell Comstock, of Wilmette. we have en eel seitng ,ban hermains will lie. at the ScOtt and :waiting for deyeop1 ftSl chpP nWlmteThr he fuer the last issue of several north shoreE *ai services will be heid at 3 o'clock publication saperd a atil Friday afternoofl. Burial Wil be, inwhchgives somtelide fwa a MemoialPar ceetey. een acconmplisbecL But there. is stili memori1,ýPakmucbfettoYbe doue, andweare -doing everyrthing we cal, to accomplisb. our "Mr. and Mrs. Doe Umnbenhauer of objective by spring. *Daytou-, are spending, this week with The main purpose of this letter is1 Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Reeb of 723 to, inform those wbo are, interested. Eighith street. in .tbe bettermtnt of c onditions at1 __________________________ ilmtteHaror-1-the rantinz. of ur reqestarfor an apealonth du ,eion ore a deatnte- dereist sumniteWr hideparing Wl11n deed ildat s12 'cl Thisk eaongonday ,b eua 12> 'in l~ok nif the BeShop# Board of Enizineers at Washingtonl, 9s 521 Pr Dr. i. 3532 D * C. We will of course have a rep- Peuh k Kenli. resentative there, together 'witb the United States Coast Guard, and al Iother interested political and civic PIRST CHURCH 0F çflRIST, SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue lile to see a larger iette being present, t recuest tha o Mountiflg property COSts wilIsot y mae moe epefiivethe acquisi-. ion of park areas in centrpaized s tricts where o0ur fu'ture pagon and1 recrea .tioli needs really- lie. Let the Park board abanýdon its extrava-gant plans fr unnecessary Lake Front Park extension. W. J. Bruns, 751 Miciganl avenue. Wihinette. THE MOVIES Editor, WiLmZTTm Ln'E: As one who has no interest what- ever in the Wilmffette theatre :and seldom attends it, 1I respeictfully, pro- test against the implication.s of your correspondent who last week gave the management a verbal cliastise- ment for the presentation of the filmi "4The Bentgmi Tig.,r." Onie imiplica- tion is that the managzement books pictures witbout regard to their quali- ty or fitness for the entertainfeflt of cbildren. Perhaps the critic is not aware of tbe fact that the mnai- agement b as littl.e choice in such 1matters. Under tbe present systein .of distribution, which 1 do flot de- ,fend, every movie tbeater is coni- 1pelled to accept inferior pictures with 5the bigher gradee mies, wbetber thev 1 . - - - - -- Iligtas dimond FBBRUARY 14,1937 Subject: "'SOUL" >îXNG lROO M-i 133 Central Avenue - lj- W.A.'.é.aivq A. M. to 6 P. M. War Lepartmeit Ioiain e The Board of Engineers for Rivers tm n tseens unfair to so causti- &Harbors cally riticize a theater management 28M4 Munitions Building which is equally impotent. 1 bappen Washingtoni, D. o 0kow that the management of Be sure to indicate at the bead*ofthe W ilmette theater is deeply con- you letter, that the communication cerned with the kind of pictures it is n regard to Wilmette Harbor. Ipresents, ad does everything in its Wilmette, 111 . power to avoid those wbich might Please be assured that the best in- veofnetisparsorbi- terets f al ciize s i beig k pt ieoffs ocde .o r its pa tro s o i turrous tof all éen. For thisein shout town people- c Why not better applY Park bord1 ing of0o0 newspapers, furniture, et., fds to deeo diinal park are not. regaided as violations of the - pace in. central and1 western Wi'V- agreement, he stated. Villagers are mette, as .Well ase to improve the low requested to refuse an ycotiuon standard of maintenance (eVidenced, i cash. Coli Wihuetle 636 SIS 4h *Stvee$-"v. leÉwtol, CulionMotors is Dow msSoited wi'th us. W. WeIcomne Al READ THE AANT AL I Rpe

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