LANGOUSTE or LOISTIRS. 3 cn Skinles aend Sheeles, SARDINES $ large size, 4 for.. Roman CAVIAR$ 3 cons for.............I Speclols for Wedm.sdoy. to Sa*urdoy, Inclusive A Il Thro Ugh Lent ,Orders for S. now. for your party cakes Valentine's Day taken AN DERSON RAKERY 3 43-iA Park Avenu.c Giencoe 1688 until the return ot PrerICKçJ-M as it wiIl be based on his selections for concerts of the'near future. May ýBuy TwoWýUay Radio0 for Police Squad CrS At a, recent meeting 'the, Glencoe Village board again discussed the proposition. to purchase a two-way radio, systern for the police squad cars. Village Manager George R. Young was instructed to investigate the different systems available, pre- pare specificatioris, get bids.-fromn the m anuifacturers or their agents. :and report to the board. The 'installation of. such1 equipment, will place the police department on an equal foot- ing with other progressive munici- lu Cooperation With DJollar Days ONIE DOLLAR REIDUCTION ON ALI PURCIIASES )resses- Hats - Knutwear Your.. '1~-~~ 1/ Here ià a PRICE OPPORJUNIY as an advisory and planning bodiy to the State Supervisor of PUblic in- Professor Lawler served on the ad- visory comm,ùttee of Gôvernor. Hor.ý ner's Ed ucational commission which, undertook a- complète' study of the state educational situation., A récom- m endation for a stat e board of edu- cation-was made by the conission. Professor Lawler pointed out that Illinois ýis one of five states that does not possss a' state -board ofý educa- tion.> A, recenit survey conducted. by 'Prof. Lawier revealed that, super- intendents and other: officiais ini states possessing boards :of educat.ionf were unianimous' ini their -approval of the ýproposed Illinois, board. The board, as proposed by the com- -mssion. will. VQsis$$t of - TiJ1e non- salaried, non-partisan lay members, one member, to be appointed each year and eacb member to serve nine years. The appointmeflts are to be made by the governôr and confirmed by the senate. Reos Cites Thre Rasn Professor Lawler cited three rea- sons why>a state board of education would pro-ve beneficial to Illinois. kt certain regard to C tion, such as for transpor st a n.f d a~r d sh f Icomed and respected id have delegated to ornary powers wlth nistration of educa- ,mulation of the rules f children, Minimumi ol buil1ding. and for, C63 'LINCOL.iN AVENUE. WINNETKA, ILLINOIS 'I is the dty of this unofficial ittee to study ail bills placed on, Onselnt Calendar and to express, finority opinion when each is Ufor psaeý by the House the, unaniou consent rule. :1 oe