the production staff of "Men Ms Fight,"1 the, third Winnetka Drania club presentation of the 1936-37,.sea- son, to be, given at, the Community House ,tonigýht and Wednesday evie- ,Her artistic ability will be apparent when the curtains are drawn un oU- the beautiful New York'apartment- ho me of. Secretary- of State ,Se ward.. Perfect blending of ýshades from pow- der blue to deep violet form a magni- ficent *background for this, stirring modern drama, of war and its far- reaching conseq uences. Alan Ingram, miss Dorothy Mc- Coy and Mrs. William Trout are as- sisting Mrs.' Brown in producinz this. unique setting. The long list of properties, which includes practically everything frorn a wine glass to a grand piano, is 'be- ing assembled by Mrs. Margaret French. Mrs. William Lloyd. Miss Lucy Trunibull, and Miss Sylvia Boynton. In this particular play the sound effects, or off-stage noises, as they are often termed, areý numerous and highly important. Their assemblage and production are in the capable liands of. Mr. Fred Kaemipfer, Wil- retary of t îate iEdward J. Hughes that they will, begin iinmediately to arrest motorists operating carsbear- ing obsolete license,,plates. Altbough the Motor Vehi cle Law requires ail cars to be registered by january 1, somne motorists persist ini operating their cars with last year's. plates. There are no. days of- grace Provided ini the law. Secretary Hughes said that many ofthe reçalcitrant are motorists who do not.use their cars during the win- ter months. There is no way to check thesedelinquents, he said. During the entire- year of 1936. a total of 1,459,195:passenger cars were licensed by Secretary Hughes. Ofi-. cials of the automobile department said that registrations, thus far this year compare favorably with the reg- istratiônùs 'of - last yea r explining that many newly purchased cars are registéred throughout the year. In a letter issued to a Il enforce - ment officers, S e c r e t a r y Hughes ,n;ntil itG Feb. 14 Set as Date of Skating Carýuiva1 It was. announced last week that a skating -carnival is to be held at In- dian H1ili rink, Sunday, February, 14. I Walter Stoelzel, superintendent at Indian Hill, will bead the 'commfittee. Jerry Westerfeld. is in charge of -the financing. A list of levents, for* participants of 8 years onu UD o the men's and wom- en's open races Will be announced next week. There. will be medals for first, sec- ond, and :third places and a trophy for the men'snorth shore. open cham- pionship. Contributions to defray expenses havebeen given by s.v4aal hbunss men and other public-spirited per- sons, although the fund is flot yet completed. it was stated. operator in .your respective district who Is o:peratIng a, vehicle wlth 1936 license or with none at ail to Immedis.tely make applcation for license plates for the year 1937." Accordlng to the law, motorists who operate with.obsoiete licenses are lhable Committee Makes Plans for Wednesday'u Event Winnetka's semi-annual'Dollar day, which, it is predicted, will break al records, even those set at the great bargain affair last September, will be held Wednesday of this1 week, spon- sored by the Chamber of Commerce. Plans: for the big sales event have' been in progress for several weeks' under direction of the Chamber's re-. tail committee, with Abe Ifel as chairman. G. L. Zick, William Eck- ert, Ray W. Rapp, Robert C. 1Nicholîs, Harvey. Bowen, Harold Peacock, and' Walter H. Klauke are members. In discussing the plans last week- end, Chairman Fell said that through- out the many years his firm bas par- ticipated' in 'Winnetka tDollar day' sales, he cannot recali a timne when merchants, throughout the village, have entered so whoieheartedly and s0 enthusiastically in preparation for Dollar day. And there are many reasons for this, he declared. "In the first place, Winnetka mer- chants, with a long list of successful sales of this nature behind them. Huddle, Miss k'olIy kIudcle and Mrs. Seymour Roos, will be on hand an hour and a haîf before the curtain riscs to perform their skilled duties. Following the opening night of this play on Broadway, the* metropolitan critics were lavish in their praise of its effectiveness. Typical of their comments was this excerpt from the reieof the NeTw York Timnes: "Un- GALORE Among These . lui DOLLA k DBAY ADVERTISERS penciable, and the public bas long rice learned that Winnetka Dollar ay sales are built on the same high ade-basis. In other words, offerinýgs n these occasions do plot comprise iferior limes purchased just for Dol-* r day, in order that they may be iced iow, but they- come, in most art, right. out of regular stocks. :I £oo Mucs........ 1 tms Drug Co ............. 4 ersn's Bakery ......... 14 y1" .......... ........ 14 ,rL.n Beanty Salon...... 12 be sb ore ... .. . . .. . . .............. .,L o . . .. . . . . . 6 uit Bros .......... 6,7 ta mure ri nt her at