Th ervice would include otny the tests of milk from. ail dainies SuP- plying the uorth shore, but also would include dairy and farffi'iin- spectioris. There would be, in ad- dition. Dr Oris statedemerstency reports froin time to turne.,o n specual health bazards. in the case of milk comiing to the north shore. via Chicagro, it was add- rd, the. north. shore laboratory, could accept the findings of the 'Chicago health department silice the Chicago standards are unusually high., A.budget -of $6,500 is 'cale fo under the plan, which, divided amiong ail the communities fri eIdwob as far as -North Chicago, WOUldb about 12 cents per capita. The in- spection service would cooperate with other itearby mIunicipal 1abo.watories. A trained bacteriologist would act as director and would be assisted by a taboratory mani. The village of Wilmette, at prelsent,, is cooperatiflR with IEvanstofl in its milk inspection service. Matihew Francis Photo Howard A. Hiiudlèy lias cons-. pIted four years.. b: ncommierce ot Northwestern fitversity and lef t titis mnorning for Fort Worth, Texas, ta repor to1 the Stanolind contpamy. He is the second son: of Dlr. a'â4 Mis . iôu&Hipidle- 1035 Lake' avenue. and lias bêen boys' uiorker on lte staff of the FÙ'.,t Cogregational church during hi,, Period of study. Mr,. Hindley has been Cub Master jurS 011cr, a all.ý _. . . __ - --- lodge were guÇsts of North Evanston the ives of three generatiotis'oft he Lodge No. 1060, and conferred the Seward family. Madame Seward. Master. Mason Degree upon Arthur played by -Mrs. L.' Harrison Metler. C. Schmidt, who is he >son of'Charles possesses the point ofview of a stoic, J. Schmidt, a former member of Wi! sseha ie through five wars mette lodge but no* residing- in E- during ber lifetime. Edwin, ber soin. anston. A large attendatice froni both played by Albert F. Weise, preseIIîs lodges were present and assisted in the caatr of a man swayed be- the wonk. tween bis'affectioný for bis wife and ________________his duty to bis'country. as Secretarv Mission Leaders"WiII1 of State. 4.Jdreq Baptis Group Laura, bis wife. played by.M. Wonia's Batist G opGeorge Fogle, represents a forcefùl The 'Wra' ats Mission wvoman. who lias devoted ber life to Union wiIl hold -its monthly meeting thie Cause of pacifism. Robert, th1eir at the Wilmette ABaptist cburch Tues-',son. 1pîaved. by Bértil Humler,. haS day, February 9. ,witb sessions iii tbe'fleii oewib natatv cu morning and afternoon. S'reakérs nidricegyCae arl ae wuI ichie r.Ann Ge3' PYSCl9l ymouseggChre. aTrôe cnta ai n sugeoDr.Atatione aIMolm e*n-, I oiseîonsprne T he Ibs payi Bn urgeoa: M iss ed ato'eMoflmeno noin rsnewnti lyi Burma: Miss Fredaer sKoekaIrtiofîNew bertcaof tereominous ar cloutIMts Yrk-ssinay aa MsgTn. ti expAlledn. encof taessin both Er o d< thsiat y toenj0and 600 won¶perthe Faenoas gbthFuop n thtbteei0 ndII ore te a at wilattend tlie meetings. - -,- 11wi balance of the castiiitaurt., up fully to the untsualIy Iigh stand- ards t-et by the principals.. IncIucd JLOGAN-HOWARD lare the following: P. H. Garo, D. L. P. T. A. Smith, Mrs. J. H. Jameson, Bernhaîn 1 Conver:e, Margeret Mieleney anid Stdn u-n B~~fi J. H. janieson. 1&9-d e y t --il d - A g reat deal of turne an d th o u glit pro- gram bxecause rrican was on it, but 1 was there %vith a J seven-year.old, and a- more cruel, ne- volting, rewakfgpicture- than i -The Beîngal Tiger," which precededI 'The Devil la a Sissy," 1 have lieyer d seen. .. - he-r.ýtudent Aid îpna, a new and very worthy project to be undertaicen by thé Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher assoc 'i- ation. This fund will be held in reserve bs for the express purpose of meeting Semergencies among desenving students of Logan, Howard and Higbcrest school s G.r when and wbere needed. It will be ad- TiI- ministered by a committee consistirlg of .f th scbool niurse, the room, teachen and nîstory of Witinetka JJrama Club. pro- ductions. Tickets for the two nighi, on which it will- be presented art available at the dopr of tbe innetka Cornmuniy House theatre, or nay- be secured froin Mrs. Ralph Brackei.. 255 Ridge avenue, WVinneka, ai aittime. R.Schnible A-a onyerence uivu iu ancuress Mrs. Henny Drucken,- president of the are intenested ýi Logan-Howard ?airent-Teacher associa-. make luncheon. tuon, is a memben of the commitbee M-ns. Drucker, 12 I ilnette1