Spaghetti 3fior 19 9CKellogg's 2- fri Corn Flakes fo 51C ICreum of Wheat Large j Grape, Nats i 6c Uueeda Doke?"s Harding Corned Seef Hash Commodore DiII Pickles PriciloBute C okes Here'. aen easy andti tsty enfre. for Wonderfully, fresh andi crisp and ,A deliciouily fresh. cris'p, buttery lunch.on or suppr-Just heefatnd efcl emnei utsfa e tooky-Givé etntothé chiltiren P __I esne.l weu o with m ilk Or hot choclt., or terve 9 a ev with tomatoeï or sice and bmown frigeretor jar. that will corne ini for tea--Over 48 counrt pacage- 9 inbtr - I16C !or- Iiady ate- Q. li' Mun cheez Wafers Mer..s something good' to serve with tfhat Cocktail - Alto most acceptable with soups or salacis - Over 40 .-Je.k was- 4 c English'R m. end Butter Tofeeé A favorite wift th whole family-The chilciren like if because if's chewy end others likq if since if laess lb. cello Comu.* doa. French DsigUnqu Really the fi,,..t French dressig tht ca be bought. Nofhiog botter wlthi fruit salad- ona s ol*)1.- SPRING LEG 0F LAMB So deliciously tender when if is roasted to a golden brown . 3 goodness. I 3 FRESH IFRESH GROUND BEFF For beef loaf. Add an egg, seasoning and bake for Serve hot or slice cold. an hour.Iô bunch IÇ CELERY GABBAGE For the. salad course. serve wit h Commodore French Dressing i or sic. and cook-t-hen serve with m.lfed Iutter. lb. 6c GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES africhodole. Buy abse r ofor t basket of1029ea Jyad sweeol. baskdet f1 029t -igrD<fb" CIETu UIF 'IlU F EB RUARY. 4,- 1937