qualifications and without regard to party affiliations, is now busily engaged in making -its selections for the -quadren- niai ciection to be held in April. Its first meeting, Was held on January' 15, and adjourned to Moraday, January 25. At this.second meig hl tthe LaSalle.htel, Chicagoý it was atnnounced that ail township« offices are to, be filled at the forthcoming election.' They are as. fôllows: >Siliteen Offices Open Tax collector; tax, assessor 4 super- ivisor; town clerk; highway commis- sioner;-,'school trustéee five justices of, thue Peace.and fivecon stables. The following committees were ap- pointed by President Frederic O. Mason, of Winnetka, to inquire into the fitness of persons presented as candidates for to the board of directors at a. meeting to be held Monday, February 8. It was einphasized that these committees have no power to make or promise nomina- tions, but are expected to make recomi- ineidations to the board*for its.g uidance. Citizenis desiring to become candidates for any township office, or who mnay desire to suggest some other person for others which, when fully developed Albert Spalding, violinist, is. cor»- into a, concrete, program, will afford ing to New Trier on February 15, pleny o wok fr al cmmitee and Myra. Hess: on March 1 chairnren'and meinhers. The.prsn Single admissions are priced ne! f te comitees of r pont- rea sonably. and may be obtained ed i as ollô . Sthrough Mrs. Bessie Grant. of -the CredIt Burea-A. W. Jensen,. pres- State Bank of . Winnetka, or at ident; Frank HlavaCbek, Jr., Phil J. Hoff!-1 the box; office on the night lof the mann. Jr., A. C. Wolff, Dr. Walter P. concert, providing al -tickets have Schur. J. C. -Slown, George Rlapp. A. C.-o been sold inadnc.C rs Pearson, Jr., Arthur F. Borre. floté.. ous Civlic - W. ýC. Huggins, chairman;» tickets niay also be had for the Cloyd C. McGulre, R. M. Johnston C. E. remainder of the series, and. these Clifton, Jr., Henry owler, E. W. Weber, aeIs npieprcnetta Dr. B. L. Mitchell. aels n rc e ocr hn Publie Relatons-Stephen Shimonek, the single admissions. chairman - Ernest C. Cazel, E. W. Weber., Finance;-W. B. Robinson, Jr., chair-.; man; Frank ýHlavacek,.,Jr., A. W. Jen- sen. ,.1 t Legislation-A. C. Wolff, chairman; Health Center Board t A. V. ,Gruhïn, Bradford L. Keeler, Ernest:H I etngFbur C.Cazel. J E. Worthen. odM eigF bur 4 Retail Interest-A. C. Pearson, Jr.,' Ametn ofhebad fte chairman;- A. S. VanDensen. A. C. metn ofhebado te Wof-,EnetQýtze J. -Iw Woheur- WilmetEe alth -R.14 i ter witl46e ld R. W. Reagan, R. 1. Adams, Leo Mlckel Nellie A.> Hanna, F'rank Hlavacek. Jr.:' Thursday, February 4, a.t 10 o'clock Albert Rodenkirk, Il. A. Weiss. Ethel ini the morning in the office of the Mannerud, Mr. Peterson, Laurenc~e Shildgen, George Rapp, Paul Rensch, i center. Mrs. Inez Bliss has been Stephen Shimonek, Williain Taylor, A. E. Nord. T. H., Alexander, R. C. Klehm. called out of town on flood relief Membership - Frank Hlavacek, Jr., duty, but the office wili . be open as chairman;- George Rapp, co-chairman, A. J. Woodcock, co-chairmnan; Arthur C. tisual during the regular hours, and Lyneh, J. N. Wescott, Aram- Mesti ian, 1_ 1). Pavlik, Lawrence P. Schaeffer. the c1iics will be carried on. have not paid are urged to do so at once, thereby.enabling an earlier dis- tribution. of mtoneys to the. various taigbodiesý in' New Trier villages and the: townuhlp. Collector' Hale atnnounces that I corder to accommodate those who have tiot paid, he will lceep bis office at the First National Bank of Win- iletka open until 5 o'clock, Saturday evening, at which thne he must start costing' accounts in order to have the work conrpleted by Sunday.' Report Encuiuragfiff Mr. Hale announced Tuesday noon that collections had, reached a total of $225,OOO. an amount whicb la in .excess "of second instaliment collec- t ions last year.' Howevecr. he said, lie expects to reach the quarter of a mil- lion. figure by Saturday. Tuesday nrorningir e delivered to Township Treasurer Frank A. An- drew a check for $100»0,O allotted to the various school districts as fol- lows:. s cný nominateci> -Rober: tociciard, chair- man, with power to select balance. of members. Constables, five. to be nominated- James L. Houghteling, Ayers Boal. Jr, and Henry Fowler. Supervisor and Town Clerk-Mrs. Esthier Dunshee Bower, Mrs. 'E. F. Tells of Stations" Work dashes, has been fourrd f ar superior -to radio tedephone conversation, Among the important unofficial since, eveni witb such difficulties as agencies maintaining communication Iowered power, static, and fading, thre between the stricken flood areas in letters of the international code are the Ohio river valley and points out- more easily distinguished tira» would side have beén operators of amateur radio stationisý it was declared tis be the spoken word. week by Lee Fetcher, 822 Bryant . H-e said lus office nas been verY busy .raking the collections and post- ing the books, thé latter being work which has to be done at thre office of the county collector, in the county building, and he had not had the time to make the necessary break down .of collections to determine tire allotment going to each taxing body. \V. Whitaker wvoôd avenue pl -on a six wee Denver, and. 1-ouisiana, and J aFor .longlraange work,he -added, ilworth 1Ô24. orida.