Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1937, p. 53

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9 rmns., 31'k bs., H.W.O.,, 19. lot 7 rinis, 2M2 bs., H.W.O., 2-C. g. 7 rms.,2 bs., H.W.O., 1-c. gar... 7 rmns., 3 ba., H-.A.O., E., air cond.1 7 rms., 2 bs., H.W.O.. lg.lot. 2-c.g.1 7 rms., 2 bs.. H.W.O., E., 2-c, g. 7 ms., 2kbs., HWO, .g. 7 rrns., 2 ,b-3., H.W.O.., 1-c, g 7 rms., 21/ bs., H.W.O)., 2-c, g. 9 rmns, 2 bs., H..I, li. c. 7 rnis., 2 bs., H.W.H., 2-c, g. 7 vms,,1/2b.HWH. - g 6 vms., 1 b',,2PCls., ýH.W.O). (Ec.) 6 rms .,1b.,HI-.W.H., (east). 1-cý.. 7 rms.,,i b., 1-.W.H.,.lg. lot, 3-c.g. 6 rnis., 1 b., II.A,Il., lg. lot, no g. ,4 v l. ib., lg. enci. pch., 1-c.g. 19,250 11,5000 11,00 9,500 8,2500 7,50 7:500 6.300 Hiere are ReAL. VALUES; miatiy mlore, ail locations, ail szes: see us for vacant bargains, bomemites throughout North 'Shore.;. specializing acre property Sunset Ridige section. B. H. BARNETT 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 1lLTN38-ltlÏ GEOG1N~REISIDIENCE -One You .Wjshed Might be For Sale," Tali whlte pillars Lv the roof contrast beauitifuily with the house of a soft tone rt'( brick (haind made frorn Vijr- ginia). 1 wooded avre in estate section of Wýinnietka. Recenity built by noted architect, superb construction. Large rooms, cbarmlng entrance hall -withb gracious stairway. You will like the w9ofl panellvd walnscoting, painted whitLe, Solarium ovvriooking formai garden. 7 bedrmis. (incl. serv. -5s) A. Rare, Iargaiin (A ARNGc GAlILED HIOUSE WITH lot 74'Az feet front.tge in Southeast Winnetka near ,;(hool and transp. 7 roulas, 3 baths, oul heat with B. and 0. vatlves ,for' domestic lbot mater. rtge $1140 rrw 13 yeÀrs, pya ble $1Q îâonthly. A perfect ieach a.ct $16,500. MNrs. Futller & Wmii. lickard' HERE ARE SOM E CHOICE StLECTIONS, OWINE R MOVING TO IISEW YORK -and has placed bis -home.actively on the market. Hlome ls Soutbern Col. typle ,brick construction, ba3 12 rms, 4 baths and there is, more than an 'acre of gropnd. Priced té seil qulckly. FIVE BEDROOMvS-2,,BATHS-PRICE $9,000--an older borne ln Éast Wil- meëtte,-built to last, insulated through- ouüt. Low, taxes and up-keep. ,Orinerý moving out, of town. Wants to seli at once., E A S T WILMETTE -,SPLENDIDLY bult-8 rM. bouse ;on wooded lot 65xl59, with two baths. Auto, ohl heat and 2 car gar'. Has Juet been radlcally reduced to $12,500., Property las wel- located for schools and transe. Some- fortunate ýbuyer w*ith good judlgment Is going to save a lot of -,money here-,-m especlally if he bas chldren. A HLOME WIT$t. A PLEASANT PAST and an excellent future. Large wood- ed lot ln onie of tbe best sectioa)s .of tbe North Shore. One block to the lake. $25,000. QUINLAN & e1YSO N, Imc. S1571 Sherman Avenue. Rog. PIc. 2616 Uni. 2600 WiI. 2602 11ILTN38-ltc SPRING SELECTIONS demand. test values 10w. Wilhntte home on large lot near school, and trans. 8 rms., 2 baths, only $13,000. F. WANNER, REALTOR 19 S. LaSalle State 5111, Kenil. 5111 1lLTN38-1 tc Wilmette Near Lake Lovely brick 4iome wlth slate roof, elgbt roorne, four bedrooius, two .and one- half batbs, hot water o11 heat. two-car GLENCOE A LOVELY ENGLISII HOME ON quiet dead-end street in fine>locgtion. ib nowoffered at $22,500. 5 bdrms., .3 baths, den, open 1scr. porcb, att..gar,.i11 overlooking Skokie, C o u n t r y' Club .grounds on beautif ul, w oo d e Ad lot 112x172,is this owner bult English brick with siate roo f. à bedrmrs., 3%k bth,*Il- brary, sunporch. A raeopportuhlity te buy an outstanding homhe at a low price. SEARS RE AL ESTArFE. 42i Richniond Roaàd Kenilworth 5288 INDIAN HILI.. SEC J %1ON NEAR PRIVATE SOHOOL ONBEAU-ý tifuily landscaped %k acre. 4 bedrns., 3 baths, 2 heated porches, seeneiid ter- race porch), attached gar., olh ht. $23,.500. Ex. agent, Mrs. Hyman. FiAST1-HUB B1ARD \WOODS' rOL. HIOUSE NEAR LAKE. 4 BED-i r<oms, 2 baths. screened porch, att. JA RKNESS &~ LLOYD) 584 Linicoln Winnetka. 177 11ILTN3S-lte exl liste' WR re. 'CH 0F AN [ic remodeLla .y with.uus Lh 9 rooms, shed brick v SOUTHEAST WINNETKA This attractive White Colonial on lot over 100 f t. 5 bdr. 2 bths. 2-car gar. Bright sun rm.. Is reasonably priced at $15,750, it*s only a few biks. to the lake and scbool*i. WITLEENREAIY 562 Geeni Bay Road Kênilworth 5540 111LTN38-lte SOUTHERN COLONIAL Owfler ýmoved to Calitornia, muet sacrifice, for. qulck sale white brick Southeru colonial house on large, wooded lot In central Evanhton; 10 roo ma.8 batha. $26,000. 20% cash, w ll handle. W. GP. .RUGGLES & CO. 517 DAVIS ST..,EV4&NSTON uni. $886 HoL. 6886 Wil. 1660 1025 MOHAWK ROAD WILMETTE, ILL. THIS EARLY AMERICAN TYPE~ home ln Indian Hill Estates le a real reproduction of a famous house ln rooms, 4 baths, an attractive study, 2 car attachcd fireproof garage. The lot i. over 14. acre, fenced and beautifully landscaped. The cost In 1929 was $66,000. For immediate sale, $40,000. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY OR 13V APIOINTMENT MEAD & COE, 69 W. Washington Street Chicago Randolph 0450 University 6278 lI1LTN38-Ite T £TITT TT/tV"e~It eý1uluu L ipz'o u FUL.LE R & PICKARD Exclusive Agents Greenleaf 7220 Wilmette 730 111LTNS8-1tc 901. LINDE N AVTENUFE 725 Elm 1 140 Center IITH 01 Ph. 3500 balan il ILTN38-ltC MO ;-lte

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