Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1937, p. 38

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for Homnes Exhibit On Tuesday, February,,2, Mrs. Edward C.'Lingel, chairmnan of club activities ini the annual Bet-,. ter omesexhibit which -will be held February 23, 24, and 25, at the Woman s Club of Wil- mette, is giving a tea for the members of ber committee at. ber home', 412 Tenth street.ý Her chairmen of committees are: Miss Helen Beach, gifts; Mrs. Wil liam T., Muehlberg, food tale ; Mrs. NomnC. Deno, candy booth; Mrs.. William K. Yat es, white, elephant sale and the book nook; Mrs.' Walter J. Gough, in charge of the fortune tell- ing booth; Mrs. John A. Donaldsofl, in >haïe ofthetealeaf ,eadig, and Mrs. joseph D. Dingle, grab) bag chairman. The diff erent commit- tees of the club activities groups are calling the club membership. Under the direction of Miss Beach. groups of women who are expert needlewomen are meeting weekly and sewlng for the exhibit. Many of the gifts in her booth will, as usual, bc Acinaed hvmembers. On Wednesday, of needlework to be clone. The annual Better Homes exhibit is the most amnbitious project of the ways and means comxmit tee of the Woman's club, of which Mrs. Da.vid J. Davis is the presideiit and Mrs. Frank Adams, first vice-presideflt. 'Mrs. George D. Çonlee is c hairman Mathew Francis -PhétO MViss Rebecca Fitcçh, 1033 Ellm- ziood avenue. has been made co- chairman of the an>tu4l Better Homes exrlibit Io bc held at the Womian's Club of .Wiliiette oit Feb- ruary 23, 24, and 25. Miss Fitch is assistiig the chairmii, Mrs. Arthur Dixon. The junior auxiliary of the Wom- D an's Club of Wilmette announces itsm of second semester of tap dancing be- ginning Tue sday evening. It is a six- teen-week course ini tap dancing, corrective exercise, and postuire train- ing. j qý - Pou Mrs. Charles E. Strickland of *724 Curnmigs avenue, Kenilworth, is guest of honor at a tea this after- noon (Thursday) at the home. of '*Mrs., Guy B. Skfinner, A118, Broadwayave- nue, given by.thé ,members of Chap-, ter CR of P. . O.:The'.last , f the many parties for' Mr. and Mrs. Strickland, who are moving to Mason City, Iowa, February 1, is.ý the fare- well tea which Mr. and Mrs. Leoriard Paider are giving on Stunday after- noon in their home at 732 Cummfings avenue, Kenilworth.ý Mrs. Strickland spent the first, part of this week in Mason City, but returned -home for the luncheon given by Mrs. Bruce Parsons of Highland Park Wednes- day. Central-Laurel P. T. A. Sponsors Dessert Bridg-e A dessrt bridge will be held hy the Central Laurel P. T. A. ini the Stolp gymnasium on Tuesday, Febru- ary 9, at 1:30 o'clock. The general ciinnof the arrangements. is ehandled by Mrs. and Mrs. Robert v the room mnother'. The fifth Friday of january is the time of' the second philan- th ropy sewxing day this nmonth at theý Woman'sClub of Wilmnette andto- it ail 'womien of the vilr la ge 'are especially urgéd t(> conieý because Wilmette. chani- ties will benefit thereby. The meetingsuuly the first anc1 third Friday of each Montl', are scheduled otherwise this monthl because.of Ne-w Year's da C 1c- curring on Friday. M rs'. Beulah Robinson, welfarc worker in the village, will be presett on Jan uary, 29, to tell of ber wr and needs. M.\rs. David R. *Kahele is chairinaln ofNvo&k, W4iMrs. H. A. IMorrison. -Mrs. H. 1. Dernehi. Mrs. A. 1), Tuner, Mrs. Arthur H. Sd don, Mrs. R. W. M.\cCanidlish and Mrs. P. 1. jo'vce miembers of bier conittee.. Mrs. 1. N've -Macalister is lunicheo n chairruan. * Winette wonien, regardless of whIcthier or iiot they are miembers of the~ clubi are urged to take part iii huicheon, is servecl at ilooli. Phiilathrop), sewing days. ,n sored by the phiilanthropy dcpart- nment of the Xoman's club, are being wvell attended but more workers are mnore thaii welcome. ]S. A. E. Mothers Are 4f KAn.+ fo!r Luncheon nue 1s hostelss O e -uuc-a-P sewing conimittee of Infant Wel for luncheofi and bridge in her h this afteTlOOfl(Thursday). tied tl e club. me4ebers ot e flotue.j the Noi Vihnette, aw te' cliw- aijor is su pervisor of 'e School of Dancing. a s c *1 anainey LiV3avei4Vviteu ano nU group of friends to their hot dinner the following evening.

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