Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1937, p. 34

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Two epatmets, iteattrepies of materials, Èarpeting. and ornvr Twodeprtteý, .t,', itert.ue,:articles to ilustrate er talk. She.will and homie andeéducation, are draw sketches of room arrangements, prsnigthe next al-day pro- and placemnentof 'furniture, and Will gramo te oans Club of -ive suggestions, on ,color barmony Wilmetté ,Wédnesday, Febru.- darneet ýryý, he firt uderthechair- Miss Dombrowski studied interior ary , te frstundr te (ecOrating at the Chicago Art in- manhi ofMr. ErlE.Gra- -stitute and for eight. years bsbe ham,, arranging for the rnorni- associa ted, with a Well known, Ev- ing, book review, the second anston and- Chicago firm. plýnig.the psychology lecture Dinner will be served at 6:45 plnig'lock and -Miss Ileman will begin andý afternoon. program under 1irtl at 8 o'clock. the cbai1rmanship, of Mrs. C. J. -zipprich. A resident 'of Wilmette is M rsi john D. Kiinear who opens the morn- Ann Birk Kuper ïs fo ing jprogram at 10:,45 o'clock. She will review "In $earch of Scotland." Read "Wingless Victory" ~b H_ V. Mortonl. An hour later Prof. Harold . An Birk- Kuper will 'give Iher Swenson of the faculty of the Unîi- monthly reading at the North Shore versity of Chicago for the last ten Congregatioti Israel in Glencoe on ~years, wîil give the first of a series Monday, February 1. She will present of lectures on "High Lights of Psy- "Wingless Victory, ' by Maxwell cholôgy." The speaker spent this past Anderson, the play now running ini sununer studying sociological prob- New York and starring Katharine :lems ini the South Sea Islands. Corneli.. At 10 in the morning, the The luncheon hour at 1 o'clock \Vi1l Sisterhood will hold its board meet- be followed by the appearance of ing and there will be sewing.from 9 -C- Rome Oxniam. at 2 o'clock on. Luncheon is at 12, and ,ci kitown er on cur- Morntflg of Kenil- ymond J. 4 at 10:30 On Friday, February 5, at 10 o'clock, at the Shermani hotel, the Illinois Federation of Won- en's Clubs- will1 hold 'its;,Annual Fund festival. Mrýs. James E.Oliver; -statetreasý- urer and chàirmani of the >Funtd Festi- val committee and' ber co-Workers, spent mu ch ,time and.effort to makeé this educational and en tert1ai ning fea ture a success: The morninz will be devoted to ex- htbits of the, twenty-ninie departments of the federation, which represent the ideas of the sta teI president. Mrs. Edward J. Lehman. The exhibit will be arranged in an unusually attractive manner, depict- ing the wheel symbol used by Mrs.. Lçetjxin. The deDartnients are to represent the spolces of the g'reàt wheel, membership) constitutes the axie,' youth the bub and the rim of the wheel encircling ail the depart- ments with the, motto "Education for Living." Each department will oc- cupy one booth which will give ample space for appropriate exhibits. The departm'ents which are ar- ranging exhibits. in the exhibition hall of the hôtel are- Mrs. Charles middle west. Thirough bis Ieen in- sight into world problèms, be bas at- tained national prominetice. lie lias traveled throughout thie world and 15 corisidered not onlY Weil infornied on racial, econornic, and political qtues- tions, but is one of the foremost thinkers along both spiritual and ma- terial lunes. Dr. Oxnam's lectures are said, to -- .àn inusalinterest and 'large enitertaili the fathers Sunday evening, January. 31, ini the school hall, witb dancing, cards, and bunco the di- versions planned. Mrs. joseph D. Scbmidt of 719 Harvard street, or* Mrs. A. W. Keil of 1931 Schiller ave- titue, are to be phoned for reserva- tions. Neighbors of Keriilworth will tbe helM Williams, garde n:M rs. Roy Mv. at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday, February 2, Hutchisoli. Indian Welfare; Mfrs. at the home of Mrs. Raymond J. George A. Stevenson. international Wiese, 523 -Abbotsford road, Kenil- . relations: Mrs. Arcbibald M. Mathis. worth. l unior club women: Mrs. Clif ton K. Mrs. Gertrude C. Lieber, past -chair- Tinimons. law observance; Mrs. Carl man of education of several state H. Bartliniz. legislation: Mrs. Wil- org4nizations, former president of the liam H. Walker. literature and lîbra- Winnetka Woman's club, and for ry service: Miss Elsie Clanahan. mo- twenty-one years a member of the tion pictures: Mrs. Adoif G. Hoff- MrsFred W,. TWater- A native ofCalifornia, Dr. Oxinm Rgious an( received his A. B_ degree f rom the also conti University of Soutbern Calif ornia, on social,i the S.T.B. degree from Boston Uni- religious s OWS 1, at 8 oc g Monl- ber is also at Odd card and1 charge of 1 ico partv S. R. E, Da,

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