Mr.Bert J. enrnan. vvas elected president, of the Park ,Ridge School for Girlsat the annual meeting of the board, of. directors Thursday, Jannary 21, at the school in Park Ridge. The 'school homte for depeind- cent, not dlinquenti, girl s now ,celebrating the s ixtieth anni- versary year of its,,founding, de- r ives . much of its support froin the interest and generosity of federated 1women 's clubs, and many north shore womn1en. are among its offiicers and diréctors. To provide the dependent girl withi à ackeground o f ae and blm&.4t,-I, to give her a school home whichi merits ber pride and loyalty, and to give ber training so adequate that she becomes independent, is the pur- pose of the organizatiofi. Officers serving. with Mrs. Den- mani in this new year are Mrs. Charles' Relier of Winnetka, first vice-president; Mrs. Chauncey Lamb ot Halnor at i p j Civeni in Wilmette Charming among the social events of nîid-winter wa.s.-the "at home" to which Mr. anhd Mrs. fIarry Daniel. Briggs *of, 336 Sheridan road, Wilmette, i- vited their friends last Saturday afternooii. The, affair was, %too, a fareweli. to Alec Templeton, brilliant young'Etglish Pianist, Who is leaving'Clhi.cago in.Feb-.' rulary for an indefinite. stay in, Radio City in New York. Guests ýof- Mr. and Mrs. Briggs wNere introduced also to Niable Hlowe Mabie. l)romnfe.nt Detroit pianist. w.ho bas jtS corne to Chicago Io live. Be- cause of conlicting professional en- gagements, the thirdl guest of honor, C,4pieroti McLean, vh, recently sang on the Fordjour, ws' unabeat the last minute, to be present.* Late ini the aft ernoon Hlazel Edeln, formerly of the Chicago Civic Op)erai comlany.a soprati(> wîtl I lric voicc. Sang. m r. reiipietoni, too. entertained th, guests, playing two tînnibers, show.- ing ini hoth the. beautiful, sensitive, spi)rituial quality ofl toileandl interpr(e- tation that un failingly inove Ii-,, -Gilbert of JwanstonrI, LCI..LPZUAI' 'ary.; Mrs. Howard Greer of Qlencoe, correspotidiflg, secretary; Mrs. E. Warren Cotiable, of Hinsdale, audi- tor; Bentley G. %IcCloud of Kenil- worth, treasurer. Amonoe the cirectors are the f ol- gaines pruvi, after dinner. e *theý lins, Mrs. Ross Bcatty.,vNlrs. rrains- lin M iller. MIvrs. Ande Tepleto)i,. Mrs. Goochwin, Mrs. Jamnes Ltukey, Mrs. Thomas Fetrow, Mrs. Rudoîpli .Magnus, Xirs. I.oell Hoit, Mrs. Louiis Hopkins, and Mrs. Anede Michel.-- J . 1. B. Infant Welfar.Again ru ol - Xeese. w