mnac or 'y IT CAN BE DONE Information that the New Trier Township High School board had made a.voluntary cut. of $50,000 in its 1936 t fax levy is received with -gratification b~property, owners Who -have been bearinýg an excessive tax burden iïmposed by taxing bodies of counity and state. Thé board is giving a prac-, tical démonstration of the fact that public services can be carried on with higli efficiency and on an econoômical basis when -the minds of officials are --seiously. put to itL And this is the s econd time within a period of six months. It is not. necessary to here repeat the figures, which were given in the news columns of last week's issue. The purpose is to congratulate the c11I2tëns of New Triertownshlip an t4he 4act that, they have a high school board composed of peo- ple with a determinàtion to conduct the institution at a minimuM expense (and with the business acumen to do it), and stili maintain the standard of its educational facilities and personnel at a point where it ranks at the very top of- higli schools ini the country. The action of the board might well be taken as a hint to other taxing bodies that the interests of those who supply the money would' be served ~'IiYA CANCTO f WIN b,>I jiL ~I. .A I" TVA',.4 - Young men and, women who have reached their imajonity in the past seven years have found it extremely difficult thenîselves ini posi- tions that would make it possible for them to is made, An amateur actor appeared in a .,-mir radio drama, spoke three lines and was give profitable contract by one, of the large moi promised every. man an income of $5.000 a vear., Fvervbodv. including Huey. knew bis share-the- wealtb ýscheme was- impractical,. But he was a smnart Politician. He knew he could,,win. follower's bypronising something they didn't1 have. As bis aurliente grew. he raised bis ante. Now it appears that lie left a couple of disciples behind- President William Gréen of the Amnen- cati Federation of Lnhotr and Presidentf John, L. Lewis of the United Mine Workers. In their figlit fortbhe control of labor Green and Lewis have been bidding riglit and left. On Labor dav Lewis uulleqr bis bushy e-vebrows together; puffed up like a, volcano gettin g, ready to erupt,. and promised a $.500-a-ye ar income for il. Green was aà little sur- prised. But he Pondlered. And on Cbni sttnaà dayhli upped Lewis $1,100, proniising $3,600. As the New York Times remarked, "it would be very desirable if each faniily could have a minimum ncome oft ,6Wa year, but still tiôt desirable, for that niatter, if each fanîily -eould have a minimum of $5,000, or even $10.000. But the way to achieve that inconie level is. fot, as Lewis and Green propose,. to shorten the work week and raise wa'ges arbitrarily,. thus increasing the cost of living.", It is, instead, as the Tmes. points out, "to improve labor skills, machine ef- ficiency, and industnial organization -in short,, to increase both individual earning power and na- is either a soured old meanie or he nas reacned that stage in life when romance, if ever it occupied bis soul, lias perrnanently abdicated, or burned itself out. He bas a grouch against the mioving picture industry because of the passionate expres- sions of love as shown in the marathon kisses, and a few other things. And, ini a bill introduced in~ the bouse, lie proposes to set up a Federal those adults who stili winter pleasure in this The lumnberjackcs of northern Minnesota are on a strike, but you can gaMble that it is not the "sit downop variety.. A 3-mhinute drama of a winter dav, showing how. one thing leads to another. Saturday, it wasp. and the thermonieter hugging zero. Met on the street Mr. A, and asked him how lie liked the, weather. 'ýOK wîth mýe," he replied. "l'il be out of it in a coupl pi ýdays." "Hélow. corne.?" We inquired. ",just :running down to ýFlorida for a couple of weeks." "You lucky stiff," we exclainied, wîtb a, toucli of envy ini our voice. "That rnust. be bard to tak<e." "Just moinentary relief," lie said. 4-Kow ùî ien, mû~f:i going on a real trip." An idea,. that, so away we went to see Mr. B. -0*', not IIulQa trip," he said, deprecatingly. "The missus anid-1-aTe going down to Honolulu for a month or six weeks. Just a short trip, but ail we cati afford riglît now. But Mr. Ci What an outing that boy is going to have, the lucky stiff1" lie added, with a note of envy. So off to locate Mr. C. "Yes," lie admitte~d when ing lîlce that Iucicy stin, wMr. 1). nas lain out lWr himself and mnissus," envy in every tone. Rush to find Mr. D. "What's this about a winter vacation? Where are you going?" "Not mucli of avacation," lie said, the words tinged with regret. "Can't get away for long, and besides, it costs a lot of money." "Where are you going?" we re- peated. "0, just taking the old tub (private yacht) on a little cmise on the Mediterranean. Be back in five or six months, Can't afford a trip like j -'TUZ P1AN2T0M RgPORnM. .1